This article is an excerpt from the channeled book by Mike Dooley and Tracy Farquhar, Channeled Messages from Deep Space, which is now available in paperback! Order it today and get over 9 HOURS of bonus video!
The question that was posed by Mike Dooley to Frank, channeled by Tracy Farquhar, was this: What is the best way to find balance in my life? There never seems to be enough time to do all the things I want to do. How can I create the time?
Here again, you must become clear about what you want. It is all well and good to desire a more balanced life, but if you are asking for balance and yet fearful of letting go of anything in your life, your attempts at creating time for the things you’d like to manifest will not be very successful.
Understand that physical beings often hold on to physical things out of fear. They will also hold on to responsibilities, relationships, obligations, and habits because these things have become part of their identity and they fear who they will become without even one of those things. However, holding on to a lot of extraneous things that do not resonate with you can only create an anchor to the past that will keep you from moving forward into your future and enjoying what is right now.
If you are feeling that your life and time are unbalanced, it is essential that you look at where you are spending your time and energy with the intention of lightening the load. This may cause some fear, as you will resist letting go of anything that appears to be a means to an end; however, it is essential that you find ways to cut back the amount of time you are spending on those things that can be delegated to others or eliminated altogether.
Often the imbalance is created by a lack of self-care and a failure to include recreation and rest in your schedule with the same amount of priority as work. When work and income become the primary goals in deciding how you spend your days, you will find that eventually you will begin to feel resentful of this neglect, resulting in fatigue, irritability, and discontent. It is essential to the health of the mind, body, and spirit that you tend to their needs with just as much care as you tend to others and your work.
The importance of lighthearted and creative activities cannot be emphasized enough. Without them, you may begin to feel a sense of malaise and disappointment. The spirit within you cries out for peaceful interludes that nurture and care for it, and for creative expression, even if that expression never amounts to anything more than a hobby.
And so, if you find that you are spending an inordinate amount of time on obligations, work, and caring for others, and a disproportionately small amount of time on yourself, you may want to ask yourself these questions:
- How can I better manage my day so that I get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time? Is it possible to consolidate some of my obligations, or delegate them to someone else?
- Can I schedule at least one day per week that is devoted solely to myself and my family? Can I make sure to stick to the policy of no work on this day, unless it is an emergency?
- Can I find at least a few minutes at the end of the day to journal about my feelings, my desires, and my intentions? (This can be very helpful in drawing your highest good toward you. It will also distract you from some of the worries and concerns that may be the outcome of an overworked individual.)
- Is there a way to integrate some self-care into my daily schedule? Can I spend two minutes of a bathroom break in meditation? Can I take a walk at lunchtime? Can I call or text to connect with a loved one sometime during the day, simply because I know it will pick me up? Can I be sure to take frequent stretch and bend breaks from sitting at my keyboard for hours on end?
- Am I balancing my home life with my social life and my intellect with my heart? The first step is to make peace with where you are. Be grateful for your busy life, as it means you are attracting many opportunities for fulfillment and appreciation and that you have achieved a sense of being needed and appreciated. The second step is to learn to say NO to those opportunities that weigh heavily on you and become burdensome. If you have already scheduled time for yourself and another invitation arrives, be sure that you are seeing that scheduled time as a priority, and that you do not fall into the trap of constantly putting the needs of others before your own.
Learning to say NO to opportunities that will overburden you or that simply do not resonate with you, setting clear time constraints on projects and activities so that you are getting a lot done within a short amount of time, delegating things that do not have to be in your control, asking for help when it is needed, making self-care a priority, and finding time throughout your day for continual self-care are all ways to achieve a more balanced, productive, and fulfilled life.
This article is an excerpt from the channeled book by Mike Dooley and Tracy Farquhar, Channeled Messages from Deep Space, which is now available in paperback! Order it today and get over 9 HOURS of bonus video!