Does your dream body look or feel different than the body you have now? Do you want to lose weight, gain muscle, heal a condition, or improve your body’s health, functioning or fitness? Have you been trying to reach your goals but haven’t fully accomplished them yet?
These four mind-body shifts can help!
1. Get clear on how you want to feel.
How do you think you will feel when you have the body of your dreams? Let’s say you want to lose weight. How will you feel when you reach that number on the scale? Will you feel more confident? Sexy? Feelings are the key to any manifestation. Include images that activate those feelings when you are visualizing your dream body.
2. Clarify the energy behind your actions.
Are you exercising to lose weight? Are you going to the gym because you hate your body? According to the law of attraction, the universe will give you more of the same. More needing to lose weight. More hatred of your body. However, you can exercise because you love your body. You can exercise because your health is a priority or because you appreciate that your heart is pumping and you want it to keep pumping! Are you trying to change yourself? Or are you being the person you want to be, in the body of your dreams? That shift can make the biggest difference.
3. Act as if you have the body you want.
Chances are, most, if not all of the changes you’re making to reach your goals, will still have to be maintained once you reach them. Once you lose weight, you will still have to exercise and make healthier food choices. Engage in those actions now. Every day. Even if it’s in a small way.
4. Remember, your body allows you to live your dreams.
It’s easy to focus on what your body looks like or what it can’t do. Each and every one of us was given a body, and it’s the only one we are getting! Any dream you have, you need your body to accomplish it – to experience it, see it, touch it and feel it. Love and appreciate your body. Thank it for supporting your dreams and the universe will support you, too!