Hello, hello my gorgeous friend. It’s your intuition here again—that inner guide navigating your life’s twists and turns. Previously, we discussed three essential truths. Today, let’s dive into the world of decisions.
Decisions, decisions, decisions! Each day you’re faced with making decisions—from the moment you wake up to when your head hits the pillow at night.
What do I have for breakfast? Should I go to the gym today? Gah! The trains aren’t working; which route to work should I take? So many situations, and each one requires a decision. As your intuition, I’m here to guide you through the labyrinth of choices life presents.
Some choices are small and seem inconsequential. (Do I get a blueberry muffin or a banana muffin?)
While other choices seem big and life defining. (Should I take this new job offer? Move to a new city/country? Stay in this relationship?)
How do you know which is the right path to take in all situations? How do you not second guess yourself and trust what you decide?
Well, my gorgeous soul, you listen to me, aka your intuition. I’m your own personal navigation system that was uniquely programmed to your individual needs when you came into this world.
Don’t let my frenemy, fear, talk you out of the right path for you!
Fear is waaaay louder than me and is super dramatic, working with logical brain to keep you in your comfort zone:
- “What if I fail?”
- “I should take the ‘safe,’ ‘realistic’ option.”
- “What if I don’t know anyone?”
- “What if I make the wrong decision?”
So how do you know it’s me you’re listening to when faced with a decision?
I’d like to introduce you to the intuition two-step decision-making method (it’s like a cool barn dance—ha!).
These are the two checks you need to make to help you tune into your intuition when making decisions:
Check 1: Whose “should” is this?
It’s essential to pause and reflect on the source of your decision-making. Often, we find ourselves influenced by the opinions and expectations of those around us—friends, family, colleagues, and even casual acquaintances. It’s like having a chorus of voices in your head, each suggesting what you “should” do.
You need to stop listening to everyone else’s opinions (friends; partners; co-workers; Sally, your favorite coffee barista; Jack, your neighbor from two doors down…).
In this step, you need to stop and ask yourself the following: “Is this choice aligned with what I truly want? Or am I making this decision because I feel I ‘should’ do it to meet someone else’s expectations or to make them happy?”
Check 2: How does it feel in the body?
First, quiet the mind. (Easier said than done; I know!) Close your eyes and focus on the sensations in your body and take some deep breaths.
Now visualize each outcome of whatever you’re trying to decide. For example, if you’re deciding if you should take a new job opportunity first visualize staying where you are, and then visualize taking the new job and imagining what your day-to-day will be like in the new role.
How does it feel? Focus on your body.
Does it feel expansive, like you’re wanting to move towards that outcome? Does it feel easy to imagine it, exciting even?
What is your initial reaction before your brain starts throwing the dramatic fears at you? In that split moment after you jump into the visualization, if it feels expansive and “right”—that’s your answer.
Remember, I’m a much more subtle feeling when you’re on the right path. I’m the feeling like you’re cocooned in a warm, cozy blanket in front of the fireplace on a cool winter’s night sipping a hot cup of cocoa with those tiny, little marshmallows.
When it’s quiet and you tune in to me… deep down you know the right answer. Don’t let yourself be ruled by fear and what ifs.
And if all else fails and you still can’t decide, imagine this: It’s five years from now—which outcome do you regret NOT doing?
And then go do that!
Remember the two-step intuition check when it comes to decision-making. How do you know it’s me you’re listening to? Check your shoulds and check your body!
Now go out and make those big decisions. Be bold and fearless in the pursuit of your dreams!
Forever yours,
Your intuition