Hello, gorgeous soul! It’s your intuition here—you know, that inner part of yourself that guides you through this crazy thing called life.
You may have stopped listening to me, possibly a long time ago. You’ve probably been listening to the louder external voices of those around you—family’s, friends’, and society’s expectations of what you “should” be doing.
Forget all those other voices, and focus on me! Because I have three very important truths I want you to know:
1. You are divine!
You are a divine being. How do I know this? Because you’re made up of the same stuff that makes up the universe.
You can think of this as source/god energy (whatever you want to call that creative intelligence that runs through the universe). Or in the words of Abraham Hicks, “As physical beings, you are extensions of Source Energy, of the Energy that creates worlds.”
Did you get that? In case you missed it I’ll say it a bit louder (in shouty CAPS)!
You have the same energy running through you as the Energy that CREATES WORLDS!
Which means you are a divine being! Connected to all. Connected to divine love always.
It also means you also have more than enough power to create your reality (but that’s a whole other topic in and of itself, and in the words of our beloved Mike Dooley, “Thoughts become things!”).
Back to point #1 which I will summarize with some handy affirmations, so repeat after me:
- I am a divine being!
- I am connected to love always
- I am a powerful creator!
This brings us onto the second truth I really want you to know.
2. You are loved beyond measure!
If you’re a divine being and connected to source which is made up of pure love, then that means that you are loved beyond measure!
The creative intelligence of the universe is pure love—which you are connected to always.
You don’t need to do or achieve anything to be loved or feel love. You don’t need to meet anyone’s expectations, i.e. society, family, friends or your partner to feel good enough or loveable.
You being YOU is enough! Just you breathing means that you are already loved so, so much.
The universe is always loving you. Sometimes you forget that. Just close your eyes, breathe, and feel my love (yes, I, aka your intuition, are also connected to source and love you beyond measure).
Now, on to truth number three that I, your intuition, want you to know.
3. Follow me, and you’ll live your purpose!
I am the guiding force of your soul. Connected to the universe, I can see beyond what your physical senses can touch and certainly further than what your brain thinks is “logical” or “the practical thing to do.”
Follow the nudges I subtly give you, and I will lead you to your highest path, i.e. the path where you’re living a life aligned to your purpose. Bliss, joy, happiness, and living a life beyond your wildest dreams—that’s what following me leads you to.
I’m quieter than the loud voices of fear and our friend the logical brain. (Ah bless, brain does try it’s hardest to keep you safe and in your comfort zone.)
I’m that feeling deep inside that feels like a cozy, warm blanket by the fire on a cold winter’s night.
If you close your eyes and tune in to me, you’ll know which path is the right one to take, even if it doesn’t logically make sense.
I’m the roadmap to you uncovering your authentic self and helping you discover what unique gifts you can bring to the world.
Together, we’ll connect you to your divine purpose in this lifetime.
I know you can’t see it just yet. Your brain is bringing up all these fears of the unknown and wanting to keep you in your comfort zone and bringing up the cursed “but how?!” (Brain can be bit of a drama queen at times, right?!)
But remember there is power in the unknown; it’s where the universe does its best works and creates the magic moments that surprise you with the sweetest serendipities.
So, my beautiful one, remember you are a divine being with the Energy that creates worlds flowing through you, you are loved beyond measure, and following me will lead you to a life full of joy and purpose.
Love you forever and always,
Your intuition