When we set goals aligned with our heart and soul, we’re more likely to feel motivated, energized, and inspired to work towards them. We’re also more likely to achieve them, as they’re in line with our natural abilities and purpose.
However, when we set goals that aren’t aligned with our heart and soul—as most of us do—we may achieve them, but we’ll likely feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied. That’s because our goals aren’t reflecting what truly matters to us. It’s like climbing a ladder only to realize it’s leaning against the wrong wall.
Setting goals aligned with our heart and soul means that they are rooted in our deepest desires and values, so it’s essential to take the time to identify these deepest desires and purpose before setting goals.
But what if you don’t know how to identify your deepest desires? Start by asking yourself a couple of questions:
- What did you most want to be when you grew up, and what does that tell you about your natural abilities?
For example, if you wanted to be a teacher but that doesn’t appeal to you now, you may still have the urge to convey information to people, and there are many other ways to do that: books, podcasts, journalism, etc. Or perhaps you thought teachers were influential so a path towards politics, leadership, or community activism appeals to you. - When are you the happiest or do you most easily lose track of time?
These activities can give you a clue about your passions and talents that can then be incorporated into your goals.
Take time to be quiet and listen. It might be in meditation, but it doesn’t have to be. Opening to our divine desires comes in many forms: journaling, reading sacred texts, meaningful conversations with trusted friends, or just being quiet and observing the wonder of life around us.
It’s important to note that setting goals that are aligned with our heart and soul doesn’t mean that the path will be easy or that we won’t face obstacles along the way. In fact, quite the opposite, for if it were easy, we would be there by now.
This is when we need to align our mindset and personal energy to match these goals. Mindset exercises and work are powerful tools to achieve our goals and most beneficial when our mind, body, and soul are in complete agreement during the goal-setting process.
Mindset growth is important with any goal, but if the goal is not aligned with our soul, we can appear very successful but also very unhappy. Taking the time to listen to your heart and soul is crucial when you begin the goal-setting process if you want achieving long-lasting fulfillment and satisfaction.
Remember, when we set goals aligned with our heart and soul, we’re climbing the ladder leaning against the right wall.