- “I am a spiritual being having a human experience.”
- “God in me, as me, is me.” (That one is from the Centers for Spiritual Living and is my all-time favorite)
- “I am one with the divine.”
These are statements we commonly hear and say that we believe, but what do we do with that information?
Often, we beat ourselves up. We try to “fix” ourselves. We identify our “issues” and then we try to stop whatever we think we’re doing wrong or change who we are being.
And let’s be honest—it’s just not successful!
Because what is the point? Not to just get better in the eyes of society. Not to become “worthy” when we already are. Not to “fix” ourselves—when we are one with divinity, what is there to “fix”? The point is different from all of that.
The point is to feel all those qualities that we say we are one with: love, forgiveness, joy, wisdom, not to mention giggles, flexibility, letting it all be (I think we can call that surrender, if we must).
And if that sounds like the point of it all, then this whole fixing thing is a criminal kind of self-mistreatment.
A new paradigm is calling, and it has nothing to do with all that self-reproach. Not a darn thing.
The new paradigm calls to us, saying, “Please step into practicing all those things you want—and practice feeling them as if they are present now. Why? Because when you feel them, they are now, and they are shifting your point of attraction so that you are stepping into a whole different stream of life!”
Yeah. It takes a while to “get” that as a concept, and then it takes a while to get that experientially, but if that is your goal, you’re on a really powerful track. The track to realization, to self-empowerment, to conscious co-creation.
What does any of that do for you?
Well, it only does everything for you.
You no longer have to feel like all you do is wait for “God’s timing” or grace or whatever your formulation of that time is: now you are working on aligning your energy with all that you want to do, be, or have. And you’re aligning now.
And now.
And now.
And it feels so. darned. GOOD!
And then you start to see the results on the outside, and you realize, Holy moly, that’s all coming from my energy! And I made that happen just by adjusting my emotions 1% at a time? Holy Gawd, I think I’m on to something.
And that’s when all of life changes.
Instead of receiving the help you need, you are guiding the change you want.
That’s a whole new game. That’s the new paradigm we’ve all heard about for decades and didn’t quite understand.
That’s when we welcome ourselves into the magic we always suspected was there and realize, experientially, the magic actually is us.