We often live our day-to-day lives forgetting that things can be different. We look at our circumstances and believe nothing will change. The truth is that transformation can begin with a simple decision. We are then led by Spirit to the next right action, one baby step at a time.
Magic happens, though, when we first believe two specific things.
When I was locked into a day job, I had no time to explore things I was curious about, no time to hang out at the library, and no time to design and make the crochet projects rolling around in my head.
I was up early every morning sitting at a desk, selling my time and life energy to something outside myself. My career coaching practice filled much of my spare time, so basically, I had no life.
I was exhausted and frankly a little bored. I wanted, no, I needed a change.
I remember making the clear decision to live my life differently. On a rare lazy Saturday morning with coffee and my morning pages journal, I wrote, “It’s time. Not sure what that means yet, but I know it’s time.”
Before I could stick to that decision, though, there were two things I needed to believe.
First: That my situation could change.
Being a single female living alone, I knew that the only food on the table would be a result of my effort. No effort = no food. No effort = no roof over my head. And even worse—no crochet thread!
I believed I needed a steady paycheck, benefits, and especially security. It was my belief that to work for someone else, beholden to their demands, made sense. It was only after spending years coaching others in their career change efforts that it even dawned on me that I had that same power.
Slow learner, right?
The tide turned when I realized my current direction was not the only path before me. I began to believe that things could change!
Second: That I was capable of creating change.
There was always a vague notion in the back of my mind that life could be different. I’d fantasize about living in a cabin in the woods or buying an RV and living on the road. I could create fiber art and meet new people every day!
But I never believed that I could actually do those things. That was just fantasyland.
Then, I took a risk.
On a 2-week solo vacation in 2012, I drove across the country to California. Along the way I visited a sister in Reno, then attended a week-long Irish Crochet class at the Lacis Museum. I explored Berkeley in my spare time, wandering alone around the campus and imagining the days of free love. I enjoyed great food with my classmates.
Driving home alone, I made it a point to visit Yosemite to see the sequoias (a bucket list item), and I drove across the salt flats in Utah. That land is so desolate… and did I mention I was alone? A flat tire or an overheated engine could have spelled tragedy.
But I did it. All by myself. Facing that challenge ignited my inner strength.
Since then, I’ve driven long distances solo several times. I also love to solo tent-camp—a real test of my courage considering I split my own wood and one false swing could be tragic. (Not to mention lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!)
If I can survive by my wits in those circumstances, what else can I accomplish?
Time for Action
Beginning with baby steps and trust, three years later, I left that day job, and four years after that I completely changed my living arrangements by moving to a different state. I now live in my little cabin in the woods, just as I had dreamed. My days are filled with creativity and community.
I know now that I’m fully capable of transforming my life, and so are you.
Make the decision and believe change is possible. Stretch your limits and build courage. Scare yourself! Realize how capable you already are.
Then get into action! One baby step at a time.