Do you believe that money can be spiritual?
Of course it is!
But if you want it or try to accumulate it out of fear, it will elude you. Whereas, if you love it and the freedom it offers, it will beat a path to your door.
Everything is spirit.
There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to the freedom money can give you, or, for that matter, aspiring to possess money itself.
The notion that people with money aren’t spiritual is simply not a “rule.” Just look at what you can do with lots of money:
- Is it unspiritual to have raised $10 million, so that you could give $2 million to a charity serving the hungry? Isn’t this spreading the wealth and the love?
- What if you used your money to set up college scholarships for your children and grandchildren? Or to take them on international trips to witness firsthand different cultures around the planet?
- Or to create a business and employ people while accumulating wealth for your family?
- Or, after a great run of 5, 10, or 20 years as an investor-entrepreneur, to incorporate your own nonprofit organization that brings technology, computers, and the Internet to underdeveloped parts of the world?
Not that you even have to give anything away; there’s nothing wrong with making money just because doing so makes you happy.
These are freedoms that only money offers. Not that wonderful things can’t also be done without money, and, of course, you can definitely be happy without it!
It’s your life, your prerogative to pursue abundance or not.
Either way, it’s time to clear up the notion that material wealth is somehow not spiritual.
Want to learn more? Starting February 4, I’ll be teaching a 4-WEEK workshop series: Manifesting Money Miracles, sharing everything I’ve learned about creating wealth: how I thought, what I believed, the action steps I took… and how you can do the same. Click here to join me!