No matter where you are on your journey, shadow work comes up. But with the help of Human Design—the road map to your life’s purpose—you can lessen the blow it has on you. Shadow work is no joke, and Human Design is spot on. Combining them, you learn to navigate and flow through the muddy waters just a bit better. Consider it your life raft through the shadow river.
So, let’s break down how the Human Design system, and how learning your energy type, authority, and strategy, can help you face the parts of you that need to be faced. You are the alchemist of your life, but you need the right tools, at the right time.
Let’s dig in.
Shadow Work Defined
Shadow work is just what it sounds like: facing the “shadows” of yourself that are holding you back, hindering you, or not allowing you to be your full authentic self. Essentially, they are the parts of you that may need addressing or healing. And you may be avoiding them; I know I did.
Simply put, your shadow is the hidden part(s) of you that you’ve pushed down—it could be unhealed wounds or patterns that become roadblocks to growth. Shadow work shines a light on those dark areas with courage, so you can come out the other side with the knowledge of pure self.
Human Design as a Shadow-Work Road Map
The good news is that your Human Design is a road map to—and through—your darkest shadows. Your next step (if you haven’t done so already) is getting your Human Design chart. You can obtain this at any free Human-Design generation website.
There are five energy types in Human Design, each with a specific authority, centers, and strategies to get through your life journey:
- Your energy type: Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Projector, and Reflector
- Your authority (center): essentially your decision-making principle and where you make these decisions in your body (chakras)
- Your strategy: what helps you cross the bridge between your inner authority and how you behave
Once you obtain this information, you are well on your way to understanding how to face your shadows.
Shadow Work for Your Energy Type
Let’s break down the shadow work for each energy type and showcase exactly what action steps to take with each.
Manifestor Shadow Work
Manifestors are just that—the idea people who kickstart the creativity train of life. What a beautiful energy type it is when in alignment. And just like most thinkers, you find the doing is the hard part in life.
You may have so many ideas and are always saying there’s never enough time. This is your roadblock, your shadow. Dealing with impatience or obstacles? There might be fear of not being in control of what you want or need to do. It’s time to process and express.
Design alignment: Manifestors need to move the ideas through and delegate to get things done. So, if you’re feeling impatient, focus on one thing at a time. Write all your ideas down and choose the one that lights you up fully and completely. Rally the troops and see who wants to get involved and make it happen.
Your team will help you see things through. Join groups, communities, classes, or workshops to get the ball rolling if you must. There are times you just can’t go it alone. Lean on those you trust to get it going.
Manifesting Generator Shadow Work
Manifesting Generators, you are the master of multitasking, and you do it well. Spinning all the plates is your thing, baby. Your superpower is your ability to get it done and make those sparks of inspiration come to life.
And when that happens, you get so many things going that you are frustrated when you’re interrupted and can’t finish them all. You want it, and you want it now. And so, slowing down and appreciating the ride is the only way to flow.
Design alignment: Slow down isn’t what you want to hear, but when you do, magic happens. Breathing through your feelings (into your heart chakra) on each project, you can find the best way to do it—and even find loopholes and efficiencies to get it done more easily than if you rush through it.
If you can learn to love the creation instead of the finish line, you will satisfy your energy type’s desires and fill your cup.
Generator Shadow Work
Ah, the busy bee. The doer. There is nothing our generators can’t do—until they burn out. Generators are the main energy type that experience burnout, feeling resentful, and if they aren’t doing the job they love, they are miserable.
Saying yes. That’s your shadow showing you where you’re agreeing out of obligation instead of true excitement. You overcommit and are scared to say no because you know you can add it to your plate. Does it light you up? If it’s not a HECK yes, then it’s a HECK no.
Design alignment: Before you say yes to the next commitment, ask yourself if it makes you feel genuinely lit up. Will this move you toward growth or toward an energy shortage? And ask yourself if you’re able to do it with ease and grace. Turn inward, breathe into the sacral chakra, and listen for your generator answers. Your gut is your lighthouse.
Projector Shadow Work
Projectors are a very special type. They are the lighthouses of our world—shining bright as a guiding light. You bring so much light to this world and are so needed. But when you are seeking recognition and not getting it, you will dim significantly.
Often you may feel overlooked, bitter, or like you have to do more to be “seen.” Those are signs your shadow needs balance, boundaries, and self-recognition. You don’t need to look elsewhere to find achievement; it lives inside you all the time.
Design alignment: When you get the invitation, and you will, listen to the intuition that is whispering to you. Listen and move toward it with humility. When you aren’t in it for the money, fame, or glory, your purpose lights up.
You will find sheer fulfillment when you see your guiding light shine brightly out there for others. You may not see how your light ripples out into the world, but it’s there. Every positive thing you say to yourself, you are aligning with your unique design.
Reflector Shadow Work
Reflectors are a rare, beautiful breed. Less than 1% of the world, they are the mirror of our true selves. You are constantly absorbing all the energy around you and are expected to show people what they need to see at all times. What a daunting job!
You may feel the world’s energy on your shoulders, and you may not be releasing that. Your shadow work might be learning how to protect your energy and distinguish what’s yours from what you’re absorbing from others.
Design alignment: Become good friends with the moon. Regardless of absorption, you will be waiting a moon cycle to make decisions. Release energy on a full moon and charge up your ideas on a new moon. Start a moon-cycle ritual practice for grounding and releasing.
Write out your decisions, burn them under the moonlight, and really let them go. Don’t let them build up inside you. Instead, send it all back to the moon, and watch your cup fill up.
Your Unique Shadow Design
There’s no instruction manual on shadow work, but with an understanding of what you do best, you can navigate it just a little easier. Each time you face your shadow self, you better yourself and raise the vibration for the collective. Don’t give up. It’s going to get messy, and dark—but out of the darkness comes your beautiful light.