Imagine a world where we met each other with compassion, open hearts, kindness, and the willingness to listen, connect, and understand.
Not yet a world free of trauma because it will take time and commitment to heal our wounds—but a world willing to heal and move forward, where we are courageous enough to face our inner selves.
Healing and growth happen when we drop into the truth of our hearts to feel what wants to be felt, to see what is ready to be witnessed, and to allow the grace of sacred transformation into our lives.
Does this scare you? It used to scare me.
But, as I found out, the truth is, we were built for this. We are capable of allowing all our feelings to surface. We were born with courageous hearts.
Yet, when I first embarked on my inner healing journey, I did not know this. I stumbled forward without a tool kit or the trusted network of therapists and friends I can call upon today. I spent many dark hours all by myself, and I have never in my life felt more alone.
It does not have to be this way.
True, the spiritual journey is unique to each one of us and no path is alike, but it is possible to walk together. Enter the superpower of holding space.
Holding space means creating a sacred container which allows for a deep dive into our wounds and the attached feelings—which, let’s be honest, we often do not want to face.
Imagine someone who simply sits with you without saying:
- “Don’t overreact!”
- “I’ve been there. Want to hear my story?”
- “How can we fix this?”
- “Stop crying!”
Instead, they radiate compassion and acknowledge your feelings. They truly see you as who you are: a beautiful, sometimes complicated and lost human being who, at your core, possesses a divine heart.
A space holder is a sacred witness to your story, someone who does not judge, blame, or take sides.
A space holder is there for you, to see you in your totality, to grant you the gift of being fully present with all parts of yourself, especially the ones you have a hard time seeing.
A space holder will never push you or say you are wrong; instead, they will allow you to find your own answers.
There is nothing more courageous than facing your inner demons. A space holder will hold you through this process and be proud of you for stepping forward. They do so because they have been there and know what it feels like.
They have done enough healing work to stay in neutrality, and, if they get triggered, they understand the need to take responsibility for their own energy and further healing.
Imagine what the world would look like if we all had someone to hold space for us.
Imagine if we taught our children how to work through their emotions through the power of space holding.
Imagine if we all knew support was there, always, and that all would be well—regardless of what feelings we experienced.
Wouldn’t that be beautiful? Let’s keep holding space to build a better world!
A guideline for how to hold space:
- Silently create an imaginary bubble of golden-white light around the person and yourself that acts as the sacred space in which the process takes place
- Silently invite your and the other person’s Higher Self of the Light and Angels of the Light to assist in the process and with the transformation
- Silently state the intention to stay in your heart space and in the neutrality of higher truth
- Listen without judgement or blame
- Stay centered, grounded, and focused with deep breaths
- Focus on not being pulled into the story, but act as a neutral guide
- Keep your heart open by focusing on gratitude, grace, and our innate divinity
- If you feel triggered, step away for a few moments to recenter. If you feel overwhelmed by the topic, get (professional) help