In ascension class, Maria Deesy gives us a challenge: manifest flamingos! I accept.
Day 1: My ego is in control. How can I find them sitting at home? I have flamingo wrapping paper. Is that cheating?
Flamingos: 0
Day 2: I micromanage. Maybe my belated birthday card has a flamingo.
Flamingos: 0
Day 3: Driving to work, I think about Maria’s advice to “be the flamingo.” My first thought is that I don’t want to stand on one leg all day. And how would I get my neck to curl up on my back and sleep? I make up a song instead.
Hail to the pink flamingos!
Hail to their fluffy feathers!
Hail! Hail to flamingos
Birds standing on one leg!
Far from a perfect iambic trimeter, but it gets me happy. I see a pink garbage can—progress. At home, I change a password to include “flamingo.”
Flamingos: 0
Day 4: I surrender! I’ve put it out to the universe and now to get aligned and be a good receiver!
I realize that recently at work I had been sucked into complaining, a big manifestation buster. Today, I walk away from a complaining discussion. I manifest free calligraphy supplies and a future job opportunity but no flamingos. I think about that flamingo wrapping paper.
Flamingos: 0
Day 5: I am in the office. On the floor I see a black and white sketch. They are flamingos! Then I wake up.
Flamingos: 0
Day 6: I sit quietly and feel myself seeing a flamingo. My shopping list: TP, milk, sponges, flamingos. On social media I see the Abraham-Hicks quote, “Today, no matter where I’m going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.” I do—a flamingo Beanie Baby at CVS.
Flamingos: 1
Day 7: I’m feeling the flow. A catalog arrives and a doormat is pictured with a flamingo standing on one leg with the phrase “Don’t make me put my foot down.”
I get distracted looking at memes. The animal ones make me laugh hard and put me in a good mood. A flock of flamingos running to “I’m So Excited” pops up. I got this.
Flamingos: 2
Day 8: I think about my flamingo wrapping paper. Is that cheating? When I manifest isn’t it supposed to be all magical and things just appear? I email Maria and she confirms flamingos in the house count. I have 2. That makes 5.
In the hairdressers’ lobby, hand sanitizers are in a box labeled spirit animals. I know it’s there. When my name is called, I politely tell them to wait; I am taking a picture of a flamingo!
I know if I went to Christmas Tree Shops, I would see a flamingo. Again, am I cheating? I don’t have to go. I decide I am being nudged and my ego is getting in the way with all this “rules talk.” “Not doing it right” is blocking the flow. I go. I KNOW there are flamingos in the store.
“Today, no matter where I’m going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.” And there they are. A flag, windchimes, garden statues, toys, coasters. Everywhere I turn a flamingo—16 in all.
I am having so much fun. It’s like waves coming one after another with flamingos surfing on each one. I see them before I actually see them. I know where they are.
I learn an important lesson. Why am I being so timid? Do I want to see flamingos or not? I had an inspired thought, and I took action!
Flamingos: 19
Day 9: Today, the post office and recycling center. I KNOW there is one in the post office. I hum my flamingo “fight” song and look. There it is. A little girl wearing a flamingo inner tube on a gift card advertisement.
Flamingos apparently do not recycle. However, there is one on a book when I grab coffee at a café/shop.
Then it happens…a major, manifestation buster.
Flamingos: 2
Day 10: My happy flamingo place is shattered. Someone dear to me is suffering and although I know it’s her path, not mine, it triggers me, and I take myself out of alignment.
I put on music and dance, raising my vibration. My ego again starts thinking “I must have flamingos in the house somewhere!” trying to force a sighting. I eventually surrender and focus on dinner. Among the recipes is a bird book. I open the book to where a business card is inserted, the flamingo page.
Flamingos: 1
Day 11: I am distracted by my sad news and know it.
Flamingos: 0
Day 12: I pivot from my sad mood while grocery shopping. In the cereal section I randomly pull out a box. On its back a fun fact answering the question, “Why are flamingos pink?”
Flamingos: 1
Day 13: I am sure I lost to a woman who manifested a trip to Florida. I give it a final push and manifest 3 more. I end up coming in third.
Flamingos: 3
I view this experience from a hawk’s perspective. I see it in its entirety, on a graph. When you view the ups and downs on a chart and realize how much each down stops the flow putting you two steps backwards after the three forwards—that’s powerful.
Hail to the pink flamingos!