“The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.”
—Mike Dooley
To accomplish anything, I visualize my goals, do affirmations and then “send out ships,” which is my euphemism for taking action. It’s easier to think of sending out a ship than making a sales call or going to a networking meeting.
There have been times when I have done all the shipping I can think of in hopes of achieving my goals: building ships, sending out ships, dredging ships up from the bottom of the sea, rebuilding the ships, or hiring new crews. All to no avail. None of the ships came in loaded with treasures.
I try to decipher whether I should keep trying or know “when to fold ’em.” Is this goal not for me after all? Am I supposed to give this one up? How am I to know?
For months, my agent Lisa and I searched for a publisher for my book. Many rejections and several almost-deals later, I still didn’t have one. Meanwhile, a friend from my writers’ group had the most glorious success. She prepared her proposal, met with nine publishers, her book went up for auction, and she got a six-figure advance!
I was truly happy for her and celebrated her success. But I couldn’t help asking God, “Hey, what about me?”
I was willing to do whatever it took get a publisher. Lisa told me that most of the publishers disliked the original page-a-day structure.
So I revised the proposal and rewrote the book as an eight chapter narrative. I changed the packaging and paid to have a matching cover design for my audio and video tapes. The new packages went out to publishers, and once again, Lisa and I waited.
Meanwhile, I had a conversation with God. I asked God for a Sign. I told Him I have done everything I knew how to do, and now I needed Him to clearly show me if this goal, this book, was meant for me or not.
I let Him know that I was here to do His work and that I was willing to get my poor human ego out of the way and give this up, if that was what He wanted me to do. But I needed a clear Sign whether or not to keep trying.
Exactly two days later, an editor at Sourcebooks called to say she was interested in my book. We discussed the narrative version and then she asked, “What’s this page-a-day book that your agent told me about? She says everyone in her office uses it.”
After I described it to her, she said, “I want to see that book.” It wasn’t long before I got another call from her: “I just got out of an acquisitions meeting, and we would love to publish your book!”
And you know what? They bought the original page-a-day version!
God’s on duty 24/7. He’s just waiting for you to ask.
Today’s Affirmation: “Thank you, God, for giving me perfect time, money, love, luck, and health at all times now.”
From The Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Campbell