There are days when I wake up and have a long to-do list. Whether it’s things for business, errands, or even reaching out to people, it can seem overwhelming. It’s easy to drive myself crazy trying to get it all done and collapse out of exhaustion at the end of the day.
For years I’ve been one of those people who likes to get things crossed off my list. I felt as though I’d accomplished something if everything was complete. And if there were still things glaring at me to be done, I would feel disappointed in myself. All of this was exhausting!
One day someone said to me, amid a stressful time, “Do what’s given you to do.” Huh?
You see, we aren’t meant to run around depleting ourselves just to get everything done. Often our to-do lists contain many things that are not urgent and can wait for another day. Sometimes we put urgency on things that are not necessary.
When we take time to pause and sit with our day it’s common for our intuition to guide us to those things which need to be taken care of promptly. And sometimes our intuition tells us that today is a day to stop, rest, and use the time for self-care.
There is always something to get done—that is a fact. And some days are productive while other days we need a break. Taking that time to recharge creates the space to move forward and accomplish more in the future.
There are also times in which we need to pause because there’s something we are noticing that needs our attention. Perhaps it’s a friend in need of support or our body needing rest before it becomes ill. When we get so laser-focused on our “list” we often lose sight of the greater purpose of our day.
Can you remember a day in which you had many things to take care of but then someone reached out with a crisis? You may have felt pulled in many directions but knew right away that the most important thing was to be there for your loved one.
All those chores and errands all of a sudden seemed unimportant. And likely nothing else fell apart because your attention got placed on something urgent.
It’s easy to see how we change course or pause when something pressing happens. But it’s equally important to take a pause when feeling overwhelmed.
Perhaps ask yourself, “What can I push until tomorrow so that I can take better care of myself today?” And then give yourself kudos for choosing that which is best for your well-being versus just “getting things done.”
Choosing you is imperative to a healthy life. Staying in touch with what presents itself each day helps you lead a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.