Many of us are feeling the weight of the world right now, including everyone’s emotions regarding a multitude of things occurring around us from natural disasters to politics and everything in between.
It’s not an easy time to navigate life, and those of us who normally pride ourselves on spreading light and love might be feeling overwhelmed. If this is you, know that you are not alone.
It’s important to remember that while others are drawing on our light to find their way out of the darkness, we may be running on empty. Wanting to be there for those you love is admirable, but to continue shining your light you must also make time to fill up your own tank.
If you find yourself overcommitted or running from one crisis to another, it’s time to pause and recharge. When you move from a peaceful, calm energetic state to one in crisis mode, your impact on the world around you changes.
Energy is so palpable that it easily transfers from one soul to another, creating a ripple effect. Ask yourself, “What energetic vibration do I want to put out in the world today?”
Managing your energy can be difficult, so having tools you can easily turn to in times of need is imperative. I invite you to consider these tips when you find yourself on empty and unable to be the bright light you desire:
- Breathe
Isn’t it funny how many of us forget to pause and take deep breaths in stressful times? I find myself holding my breath when I’m feeling fearful or anxious. These are the moments in which our body desperately needs extra oxygen. Breathing nourishes our cells and helps us return to a grounded, calm state much quicker.
Pause, close your eyes, and focus on filling your lungs with oxygen. Spend a few minutes taking deep breaths while you center yourself again.
- Take a Break
Remove yourself from triggers, including situations, events, and people, as needed. As much as you might want to be there for everyone, you must also be there for yourself. Self-care helps you continue to be that shining light for others, but without taking the time to honor your needs you can easily get sucked into the energy you’re trying to rise above.
- Step Outside
Most of us find ourselves indoors most of the day. Electronics, while helpful in our daily lives, also emit frequencies that are counterproductive to maintaining our grounded state of being. Nature helps us restore balance.
If you don’t have time for a walk in the woods, by the water, or in a garden, consider taking off your shoes and allowing your bare feet to touch the earth.
- Listen to Soothing Sounds
The world is full of sounds bombarding us every day. When we’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s helpful to fill our space with calming sounds. You can find many soothing nature sounds or white noise that help clear the clutter from your brain and find your center again.
Another option is listening to music/songs that raise your vibration. Sing along, allow yourself to feel joy, and remember that you aren’t meant to be constantly immersed in the darkness around you.
- Move Your Body
Our bodies benefit from movement, whether it’s walking, yoga, stretching, dancing, team sports, bicycling, or any other activity you choose to engage in during your day. If you’re pressed for time, set aside just 15 minutes in your schedule. Honor your body and the magnificent gift it provides in supporting you through the ups and downs of life.
- Surround Yourself with Those Who Lift You Up
Can you recognize those people in your life who inspire versus drain you? Spend more time with those who help you remember your light, empower you to honor yourself, and love you unconditionally. These people are part of your tribe and will help you back onto your path when you’ve veered off it temporarily.
- Be Gentle with Yourself
It’s impossible to be everything to everyone at all times. You’re one person and can only be stretched so thin. Try to be proud of yourself for the love and light you put into the world versus beating yourself up for the things you aren’t able to accomplish. Remember that every life you touch touches many more lives, creating a ripple effect.
- Find Your Joy
One of the best things you can do when you’re feeling drained is to move toward joy. What is something that brings you joy? For me, spending time with my animals shifts my energy, puts a smile on my face, and opens my heart.
When I want to hide from the world, I look to the unconditional love of my pets to help me find my light again, as they are a constant source of it in my life. Experiencing joy from any source automatically shifts our energy and helps fill us back up.
Those of us wanting to “be the change we wish to see in the world” must remember that our light is that which helps others find their way through the darkness. But without honoring our needs and keeping our fuel tank full, our light becomes dim and no longer lights the path.
You are an important soul here to be a guide, my friend. Remember, without you, the world would be missing a very important light. Listen to your body, honor its needs, and create time to fill your cup so that you can continue sharing your love, wisdom, and gifts with the world.