As the Coronavirus began taking over the headlines recently, I thought about what a Note from the Universe once said:
When you think about these pandemic times through the light of this universal truth, it instantly changes your vibration. I recently recorded a video talking about this:
One of the most frequent questions I’m asked right now is how we can tune in and find peace during what seems like an uncontrollable situation. The first way is to remind yourself that far more is happening on your behalf than you can now see.
Here’s what else you can do:
1. Go inward.
Create space in your day for stillness. Whether it’s meditation, a walk alone in nature, journaling, or any activity that brings you a sense of peace, it’s important to schedule this time into your day. With so many people working from home and dealing with unexpected changes, these moments will bring calm to the chaos you may feel as you juggle your “new normal.” As you honor these times of stillness, you’ll start to see the peace grow throughout your day. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, step away for a few moments of stillness.
2. Check on your friends and loved ones.
Social distancing does not mean social disconnecting. Stay in touch with the people you love with a quick phone call or a message on social media. Check on them and let them know you love them. Reach out to your support system when you’re feeling overwhelmed or lonely. If there’s a relationship in your life that needs mending, use this as an opportunity to reach out and let the person know you’re thinking about them and care about them.
3. When you see an opportunity to help, do it.
Check on your older neighbors and people who might be at risk. Offer support when you see someone in need. If you have a little extra, offer it to your neighbors or drop it off at your local food pantry or shelter. Donate online to charities that are helping those in need in your community. Support local businesses that are feeling a hit during these times. Many are offering curb-side pickup and delivery, so they can help you honor social distancing.
4. Look beyond the breaking news headlines for the good that’s happening around us.
There are so many good things happening in your community and the world as a result of this pandemic. Communities are coming together to help those in need, businesses are donating food and resources that would normally go to waste, countries are reaching out and helping each other, and nature is bouncing back because of reduced pollution. Raise your vibration by looking for the good that’s surrounding you and imagine the possibilities of what can follow.
5. Surround yourself with reminders of life’s magic.
Use your extra time at home to consume positive, uplifting material. Read the books that inspire you, watch television shows and movies that make you feel good, and look to the thought leaders that inspire you the most. Here are several resources:
- Follow all the positive things happening in the world right now in our Raise the Vibe Facebook group.
- Discover new music on NPR’s Isle of Calm Spotify playlist (over 6 hours to sooth your nerves).
- Follow news stories that highlight the good in the world like Steve Hartman’s On the Road and USA Today’s Humankind.
- Celebrate humanity and creativity on uplifting sites like SoulPancake, Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday, and UpliftConnect.
- Catch up on your reading with some of our favorite spiritual books of all time.
6. Be gentle with yourself.
It’s okay to feel sad, overwhelmed, or stressed right now. Forgive yourself if you’re having a hard time. Be gentle with yourself and create space to feel whatever feelings may arise. In an instant-gratification society, you might too quickly turn against yourself when you feel impatient with change. Labeling yourself, blaming yourself, putting yourself into a tiny little box of condemnation attracts more fear and negativity. Be kind to yourself. You’re doing your very best, and always have.