Affirmations are a simple-yet-powerful tool to help you create a desired change in your life.
Below are thirty-one affirmations for greater health and vitality, one for each day of the month.
Focus on one affirmation or repeat the entire list each day, the choice is yours.
Want to power up your affirmations?
Amplify Your Affirmations In 4 Easy Steps
Step 1: Intention
What would having more health and vitality look like for you? A full night’s sleep? Hiking a mountain trail? Keeping up with the kids or grandkids?
Begin with an intention in mind to give more meaning to the words. Be careful not to focus on the details, or how you’ll make your desired outcome happen. Stay general with your intention and remain open to the many possibilities.
Step 2: Emotion
Before saying your affirmations, take a few minutes and really feel into how your desire will make a difference in your life. Will you feel a sense of freedom? Greater joy? Less worry or pain?
Ramping up your energy before saying your affirmations adds an energetic boost to your thoughts and a jolt of manifesting power.
Step 3: Visualize
Close your eyes and imagine that your desire has already manifested. Look through your own eyes and be in your new life. What do you see? Who’s with you? What sounds and smells are around you? Imagine tasting any food or touching objects in your midst.
Adding sensory details allows you to be in the moment of your desired future, which not only makes it feel real – it makes it feel possible. When something feels possible, you begin to believe it is possible. It’s from this belief that you’ll begin to take small actions, which will start opening doors you’ve never dreamed of.
Don’t forget, you’re not fixed to this specific outcome. This is one possibility. Remain open to how or when it will happen. Think: “This or something better.”
Step 4: Habit
An affirmation habit will help to change your mindset and strengthen your beliefs, so you can make positive choices that lead you toward your goal even faster. A few minutes a day is all you need to begin seeing positive change in your life.
When creating a new habit: the easier you can make it, the better. I recommend setting a recurring reminder on your phone or computer with your affirmations listed right there.
When your timer goes off, stop for a few minutes. Set your intention, ramp up your emotions, and see yourself as if it’s already happened. Then, follow up with your affirmations.
Tip: Watch For Hidden Beliefs
Tune in to how each affirmation makes you feel as you say it. Are there any that you don’t believe are true for you? If so, ask yourself why. Do you know where your disbelief originated? Maybe it was something you were taught, or surmised from your upbringing. If you can’t pinpoint its origin, don’t spend a lot of time searching for it. Now that it’s in your awareness, you can override it.
Challenge the truth of your current belief against the truth of the affirmation. Repeating the affirmation is often all it takes to turn it into a new belief.
To your best health and greater vitality!
31 Affirmations for Greater Health and Vitality
1. Food loves me.
2. I love how the nutrients in my food nourish my body, mind, and soul.
3. I eat delicious, nutritious food every day.
4. I take good care of my body, mind, and spirit.
5. I love finding fun ways to move my body.
6. I love spending time with family and friends.
7. I enjoy the laughter I share with family and friends.
8. Every day, I have more and more energy.
9. I sleep well and wake up rested.
10. I create good food and fitness habits.
11. I love how my body looks and feels.
12. I love how I feel in my clothes.
13. I have more than enough energy to do everything I enjoy.
14. My life supports me in every aspect.
15. I am happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise.
16. I have an abundance of health and vitality.
17. I always have a spring in my step and a song in my heart.
18. I’m excited for the gifts today will bring.
19. I appreciate every day for the gift it is.
20. I wake up energized and excited for a new day.
21. I am grateful for all I get to experience.
22. Now is the perfect time to be alive.
23. I love my life.
24. I love how all my relationships are here to help me grow.
25. I appreciate knowing how to take care of my body and mind.
26. I am grateful for my body and all its miraculous healing powers.
27. I am grateful for all my body does automatically to support my health and wellness.
28. I am beautiful exactly as I am.
29. I love and accept myself, just as I am.
30. Today is a gift meant especially for me.
31. I am always loved and supported.