Once upon a time I couldn’t wait to get to my dream life; my destination was what mattered. No waiting around, no working through problems, I just wanted to be zapped to a place of happiness. I’d had enough of the mountains to climb, the mean people, and the bullying.
But now I know better than to wish my life away.
Here are 3 reasons why the experiences you live on your way form a big part of who you are.
1. You will learn valuable lessons.
The path you are taking may present obstacles, difficult tasks, emotional moments, and frustrations. It may cause you to cry, scream, or feel despair. It will also fill you with smiles, with pride for your achievements, with “Eureka!” moments, and with powerful knowledge you have gathered en route.
Emotions you feel while you work through a problem or celebrate a milestone will equip you with vital data for the future. You will be able to use the memory of how it felt to give you courage and wisdom when another hurdle appears on the track.
The ability to feel emotions and learn from them is part of our intelligence. Those who claim that to make sensible decisions we must step away from emotions, because intelligence is rational while emotion is animalistic and instinctive, seem to have a misconception about the intelligence of emotions. “Our emotions are crucial for mediating social interactions, which are one of the most complex environments in which humans exist,” says Frank Amthor, professor of psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and author of Neuroscience for Dummies.
Furthermore, our brain uses the experiences of our lives and the emotions attached to our memories to build a sense of understanding. We learn by watching, listening, and feeling—nothing is ever wasted. Everything contributes to the person you are.
If you jumped straight to the vision you long for, you would miss the learning curve needed to understand and appreciate the many facets of life.
It is only through living these experiences that we learn to adapt to a new situation.
Another essential aspect of the learning process is living through contrast. When you come across the opposite of what you desire, you gain a clearer picture of what you do want.
This is undoubtedly a crucial stage in understanding what you want to build in life. Without this contrast, as painful as it may be, you couldn’t have such a clear feeling of what you like and dislike. Allow yourself to learn from this contrast, instead of letting it break your spirit.
2. You will come upon amazing people.
While you are navigating toward your vision, you cannot help but meet new people along the way. Your desire for the life you want will bring to you help, support, and guidance in human form.
Walking your way to your dream life will bless you with awe-inspiring mentors, magnificent supporters, caring teachers, like-minded cheerleaders, and new friends who will appreciate you—just for you.
The richness and diversity of human encounters is a treasure not to be missed. The Universe always delivers what you ask for; it is for you to see it out there and allow it in your life.
Your present friends will encourage you and feel excited for you, wanting to share your enthusiasm and cheer you along the way. It is possible that your courage and determination will inspire others to follow their own vision.
Inevitably you will face negative people, those who mock you, those who belittle your efforts, those who attempt to deviate you from your course, and those who feel jealous of your achievements. But this is also a lesson to learn about yourself, for the way we react to others says more about ourselves than it does them. You will learn that their reactions are all about their own insecurities.
3. You will create wonderful memories.
Every second of your life is an opportunity to create beautiful memories.
For every hurdle I had to confront, I also had plenty of wonderful and happy moments. I treasure all my memories. At times of despair I created beautiful friendships. New friends appeared who transformed and enhanced my life. It doesn’t matter if they walked a long way with me or not, I appreciate them dearly.
I have created wonderful memories with my children and still do, sharing holidays, picnics, laughter, and family reunions abroad. Regardless of the lessons I was learning in life, I simply built up the courage to continue creating magical memories with them because doing so was so special. I made an extra effort because I wanted something positive, especially when the difficult times struck.
Wherever you are on your journey, creating wonderful memories with the people around you is what will remain when you are marching on. It’s what you’ll see when you look one day at the treasures you have accumulated.
Those wonderful memories will be the tapestry of your life. What do you want it to look like?
I have learned to appreciate every lesson, every person, and every memory.
Enjoy every step you take on your journey, and never be in such a hurry to get there. Your journey will reveal valuable lessons, lessons that will empower you and will bring you great courage, along with wonderful people and magnificent memories.