In the face of worry or fear… despite uncertainty… regardless of a multitude of unknowns… here’s what I love about the world right now…
There’s a shift happening. A veering. An altering. A re-jigging of sorts. It’s been happening for a while and it’s getting stronger. Can you feel it?
What I love about the world right now is that when tragedy happens in one part of the world, mass humanity is altered – for the better.
Because news of events travels at lightening speed, what results is an immediate conjoining of our collective hearts. There’s an influx of compassion and shared desire for betterment. There’s a stronger defining of what we, as a conglomerate of global souls, want and will no longer tolerate. There’s a unifying of values. An amalgam of hope. A fusion of fundamental needs and wishes.
What I love about the world right now is that we haven’t given up.
We still believe in ourselves, in our capacity to care, to help one another. We are coming together in unprecedented numbers and standing up and speaking out because if we don’t, who will?
What I love about the world right now is that we are not allowing years of hindsight and scholarly exploration to show us where we went wrong.
We have reached an accumulation of knowledge that allows us to realize the lessons as they are happening and foresee where certain paths may lead. We are looking backward and looking forward with equal clarity. We are reshaping our vision as we create our reality. This is OUR chapter of history.
No longer are we content with the adage “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” We are the rule-breakers, the disrupters, the change-makers, the rebels with a cause. We want our history to say that we were true visionaries mixed with equal parts gumption and fortitude. Gumptitude.
What I love about the world right now is that we’ve stopped waiting for someone else to right the wrongs.
We’ve become the action-takers, the inspirers, the make-a-difference-doers. We’re positively shaping our shared futures.
It happens when we take a stand for what we believe in – not what we’re against.
It’s understanding that it will take more and stronger voices with continuous messages in support of human rights, just treatment and equality for all to create new, more vibrant sound waves that calm down, drown out and shift old and stagnant beliefs to become the reverberation that flows forward into time.
It’s learning to stop looking backward with regret, blame and hatred and instead learn the lessons we were meant to learn and move forward with renewed determination not to repeat them.
It’s wanting to do better today and tomorrow because that’s the only place where change can happen.
It’s knowing it will take time, and mistakes will be made but it’s trusting they can be corrected.
It happens when we acknowledge that we are in this together.
It’s allowing each other to be seen and heard with equal respect.
It’s having a will on both sides to make amends because until we do, we cannot hope to move forward effectively.
It’s in acknowledging that “their” way may be just as good as your way. It’s being open to the possibility that it’s actually better, or at least has some better components.
It’s in being kind to one another, as a rule, a way of being, a habit, a way of life.
I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t pretend to. But I do know this: it begins with each of us.
It begins by thinking about what YOU want deep-down – really deep – in the soul of your soul, in the heart of your heart, in cells of your cells; not what you’ve been told or taught to believe but what is in YOUR soul, YOUR heart, YOUR cells and no-one else’s.
Then ask yourself:
- What example do I want to be for my children? Am I doing that?
- Am I proud of my choices? If not, they are only choices. Make new ones.
- Are my beliefs aligned with my inner knowing? If not, create a new belief because a belief is nothing more than a perpetual thought. Think a new thought. Believe that.
- What can I do today, right now, tomorrow, next week, to make the world a bit better for me and my children’s great-great-grandchildren? Do that.
What I love about the world right now is that we are capable of so much good.
There has never been a better time to parlay our knowledge, talents and experience into creating sustainable practices and positive social change for the betterment of us all from which our offspring can spring forth and enhance and improve.
What I love MOST about the world right now is that we are in a time of important transition.
There is an awakening in our collective psyches. An opening of our collective hearts. A new and stronger desire for a better, more just, more tolerant, more inclusive, more balanced, more compassionate, more loving world.
There’s a shift happening. Can you feel it?