Is it possible to accelerate and quantum leap your life, experiences, and reality? A quantum leap is a huge, often sudden, increase or advance. We often call these miracles—occurrences that seem to happen outside the normal.
Maybe you have been told it takes a certain amount of time to experience a quantum leap or that you must jump through some hoops to get what you want. But the truth is that time has no redemptive quality in and of itself because time is a human concept, formed out of the illusion or consciousness of separation. Time does not change anything—consciousness does.
The passage of time has no power to change, heal, or resolve, but you do. And that means at any moment you can decide to step into a new version of yourself. You can change your reality. Things can take a long or short period depending on your ability to change your state of consciousness or change your beliefs concerning the nature of your reality.
Is it possible to step into a version of you that the world and your conditioning say must take five more years or ten more lifetimes? Yes! Because all things are possible to God (Universal Consciousness), and all things exist in the universal quantum field of possibilities.
But God cannot act without human cooperation because God acts within us and through us. Anything you can dare to believe is possible for you. What you think is not possible and must take time will do so because you create your reality.
We can step into new dimensions through consciousness because consciousness is limitless and not bound by time and space. Quantum leaping is simply our ability to change our state of consciousness.
Here are 6 steps to help you quantum leap your reality:
1. Forget all you have been taught.
Every conditioned belief or assumption you have keeps you stuck in limitation. Remember that you create your reality through your beliefs. Don’t accept everything as true just because it’s what you’ve been taught. Instead, decide what is true for you. Beliefs create reality. What beliefs can you rid yourself of and what can you put in their place?
2. Learn to observe without reacting.
Learn to be an observer and not react or attach meaning to what you see happening around you. This can take some practice because most of us have been conditioned to react and feel obligated to react. Simply watch and tell yourself that what you see only means what you decide it does. Choose to assume no meaning; go to neutral.
This practice allows you to reset and gain mastery over yourself and external appearances. Practices like mediation can help to silence the mind so that observation without reaction becomes easier.
3. Master the direction of your attention.
Master your reality by choosing what you will think and believe at any given moment. No matter what happens, believe that everything is working for your good. When you learn to direct your attention positively, expecting only the best, you will find that things unfold in your favor. You will notice that you have command over situations, but they have no command over you.
4. Be immovable and single-minded.
No matter what happens or what shows up, always remain fixed in the feeling and awareness that things are as you want them to be. Resist the urge to be double-minded. Do not allow yourself to be led by what you see externally or by other people’s moods, actions, or opinions. Remain rooted in what you want to experience. See, feel, and believe only what you want.
Reality always reflects our inner state of consciousness. If we are double-minded and react to everything, we tend to slow down our manifestations, and things seem to take forever. If we can be grounded in our faith, then we can master our world.
5. Don’t worry about the how and when.
Let go of all conditions and attachments regarding how and when what you desire will happen. They only limit you. Allow things to happen naturally and unhindered as you live in the feeling and knowing that what you desire is already yours. Letting go of all attachments regarding the outcome allows everything to flow in the fastest way possible. All limits and delays exist within our own minds and beliefs.
6. Live in the NOW.
This may be the most powerful practice of all. Remember everything is happening in the NOW. The past and future are illusions of the mind. This means that whatever reality you choose to give life to exists in the here and now and can only be given life in the NOW through what you’re believing.
This is how you collapse time: by being rooted in this present moment without any stories except the one you have chosen. You can only create in the now, for you only exist in the now. You don’t exist yesterday or ten minutes from now. Remember God’s name is I AM, not I WAS or I WILL BE. And God’s name is your name.
Tell yourself, “I am a master of time—a quantum leaper! Nothing is too hard for me; nothing is impossible for me.”