When we crave change, we crave a change of the scenery and situations we’ve been a part of for so long. We crave new. We crave exciting. We crave different. All of these things can be created right away by making changes to our lives as they are right now. We don’t have to jump on a plane to another country or go back to college or start a new career to leave our comfort zone. We can start leaving our comfort zone TODAY, this moment, regardless of where we are.
- Change your daily/weekly routine.
I started taking Friday’s off. At first it seemed impossible, like something I could only do 5 or 10 years in the future, after I became more settled and established. But one day at work I thought, why not? Why can’t I at least ask? What’s the worst thing that could happen? So I walked into my boss’s office without any preparation, and I asked him: Would it be alright if I start taking Friday’s off to write? To my great surprise, he said yes. That was the beginning of my transition into becoming a serious writer. The difference in lifestyle between working 4 days a week versus 5 days a week is incredible. The work-life balance completely shifted. I felt like I had time for a life. And most important for me, I had time to write. Looking back on it now, it was a fairly small change (working one day less a week), but it created a massive shift in my life and how I felt about my life at that time. Consider taking an hour off every day, or a day off every week, or every other week, or every month, to do what you really love to do. Changing our daily or weekly routine is an awesome way to take us out of our comfort zone and break the cycle of stagnation.
- Start a new practice.
- Make new friends.
- Buy a calendar and get creative.
Leaving our comfort zone doesn’t require leaving the country or our jobs or our families. It just requires stepping into new territory where we already are (and there is sooooo much of it, regardless of where we are). It doesn’t matter if we live in the city or in the middle of the country; there is always new life to experience.