I’ve been studying Personal Development for a long time now and through my own experiences and my experiences as a Life Coach, I’ve compiled a list of what I believe are “The Essential Life Principles.”
They’ve helped me enormously when I’ve been upset or in a dilemma, and I’m hoping they will help you, too.
Short and to the point, stick them on your fridge or carry them in your wallet and refer to them when needed!
Essential Life Principles:
- Adopt an attitude of gratitude – 1 minute every morning and evening.
- Live in the moment – life is right now in this very moment. Live it.
- Don’t compare your insides to somebody’s outsides – you are unique, why try to compare?
- Choose your reactions – they define who you are.
- Be patient – patience breeds maturity, strength of character, and self-control.
- Act with integrity – with honour, honesty, and commitment.
- No regrets. It’s gone – you can’t change the past. Focus your energies on the now.
- Have an open mind – life is beautiful. Embrace everything and everyone.
- Be kind – pursue kindness and kindness will pursue you.
- Be compassionate – it’s a necessity. Without it mankind will not survive.
- Be brave – look fear straight in the eye and run at it! Watch the magic unfold.
- Be considerate – a small thank you from you may change the world for someone else.
Every morning, look at these wonderful principals and try to remember them as you go about your day.
Whenever you encounter a situation and you’re not sure how you should proceed, take a look at the 12 principals and I can guarantee they will bring clarity to the situation you are in.