A single moment is all it takes and is all we need! It is from the single moment when you start living from within that you realize you have unlimited power within you, and this magnificent power alone is sufficient to fulfill all your wishes.
What does it mean to live from within? In simple words: living with limitless happiness that is sourced within you and living without any fear of being judged by people around you. Basically, creating a dream life in your mind with your thoughts that are so powerful that the universe is forced to transform your dream from being “just a dream” to a reality.
A single moment of realization is all it takes to completely turn around your life for the better. It may feel difficult or impossible at first, but is it really? In reality, it is simple because being happy, healthy, peaceful, joyous, and calm is the natural state of being for each one of us.
Here are a few simple things you can do to start living from within and unleash the unlimited source of energy residing within you:
1. Love Yourself
Do I mean to hug or kiss yourself? Yes, for sure, along with a few more expressions of love towards yourself.
Listen to your heart and do things that you feel like, no matter how stupid or silly it may seem; stand up for yourself irrespective of what others think. Spend quality time with yourself, cook a meal for yourself, do everything to keep that broad smile on your face ever shining. Respect your needs and provide for yourself.
Love yourself unconditionally and passionately like there is no tomorrow. This will give you the unlimited supply of love and support you need to face any challenge, as the source of this love and support is deeply rooted within you. Loving yourself also enables you to love others—you can serve someone only when you have a vessel that is full.
2. Practice Gratitude Everyday
A simple practice of counting your blessings each day will keep you on a frequency of feeling good and looking for the good in each day, which attracts more good to you. Each day can start with counting your blessings by thanking the universe.
Thank you for the sun, thank you for the sound sleep, thank you for the warm blanket, thank you for my loving family, thank you for the abundance of food, water, and air—and the list can go on to include everything and everyone that you are grateful for.
Although the list will never be a complete (even if you spent an entire lifetime counting your blessings), this simple practice will help you shift your focus to the positives and thereby attracting more positives into your life.
3. Accept Yourself and Others Completely
This most crucial and impactful step is also, sometimes, the most ignored one. I always wondered, “I am doing everything right. I am visualizing, I am being positive under every circumstance, I am doing my affirmations, I feel good and happy, but what am I missing?”
That’s when I realized that it is the criticism, non-acceptance, and judgment of other people and/or myself that sometimes creeps into my mind, that keeps me away from tapping into this powerful source of unlimited happiness, health, wealth, and joy.
The shift from this state of non-acceptance to acceptance (whether of ourselves or others) turns around everything for the better—the way you look at life, the way you give out unconditional love to everyone around you, the blessings you see in every trial and thankfulness you feel for everything and every person.
These simple steps practiced each day until they become part of you will ensure that you live from within and tap into the abundance residing within you.
Are you ready to look inside?