“Infinite Intelligence is ever ready to carry out man’s smallest or greatest demands.”
—Florence Scovel Shinn
Manifestation, as you undoubtedly know, is when you pull something out of the Field of Potentiality. It happens all the time. You draw into your life whatever you think about.
As Florence Scovel Shinn explains it, “The imagination has been called ‘The Scissors of the Mind’ and it is ever cutting, cutting day by day, the pictures man sees there, and sooner or later he meets his own creations in his outer world.”
She also says, “A person with an imaging faculty trained to image only good brings into his life ‘every righteous desire of his heart’—health, wealth, love, friends, perfect self expression.”
So awhile back, I was talking to my friend Wendy. She had moved to Florida with her beau who just happens to be a garage sale fanatic. When they lived here in the Midwest, he spent practically every nice weather weekend scouring neighborhood sales.
Now that they live in the land of perpetual sunshine, I can only imagine how often he’s out there plucking up treasures.
Anyway, Wendy told me that whenever she starts thinking about something, something she believes would add joy or some other benefit to her life, Jim ends up bringing home that very item. She doesn’t have to say anything. She just starts thinking, “Hmm, I could use a new set of luggage or a new salad spinner.”
Within a couple weeks, sometimes days, Jim, without even being privy to her request, comes walking innocently in the door with the exact thing she’d been thinking about.
After talking to Wendy, it suddenly dawned on me that I’d been so busy blogging and traveling and doing interviews about my new book that I hadn’t done any stories for People magazine in a while. I made the mental intention to get a new assignment with this magazine for which I’ve freelanced for more than 20 years.
Within a couple days, a colleague emailed me with the news that Jason Sudeikis, the Saturday Night Live star, and his then-fiancé actress Olivia Wilde were headlining an event in Kansas City, his hometown.
Even though I was slated to be in Honduras for the event, I managed to get a pre-interview with Jason’s mom and eventually, my story ran on People.com. The check rived soon thereafter.
Truly, folks, whatever you focus on expands. Best strategy? Set an intention and then, with complete certainty, get out of the way as it barrels towards you like the Pamplona bulls.
Join Mike Dooley and Pam Grout for The Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure: 21 Days to Unlock Your Reality-Creating Superpowers. Every day, for 21 days, you’ll receive you a SECRET ASSIGNMENT with a new Manifesting Mission that will prove your thoughts become things. The adventure starts April 21, 2022. Click here to join us!