Emotions are a field. Nothing outside of you is affecting you. Everyone has the ability to feel emotion on the personal and the collective level. There are two different emotional nuances we wish to discuss. One is the emotional process of awakening. The other is the emotions of the awakened self. These two states are very different.
The emotions of the awakening process are what everyone in your world is experiencing now—some of you feel it consciously but more feel it unconsciously. Feeling emotions while you are in the awakening process is very different than your emotional field as an awakened being.
They are two different things. The process of awakening is still a process in which there is separation. You feel fear, shame, anger, and other identifiable emotions. You experience them as singular experiences.
What is confusing to many is that while you are experiencing the emotions of the awakening process, there’s a part of you that is already awakened. This part of you begins bleeding through.
This might include experiences of unlabeled joy or tears for no reason—maybe simply from experiencing beauty. Those are the emotions of the awakened self, channeled through a separated being still in the awakening process.
The awakened you doesn’t have a pain body, so to speak. But it does experience the tides of emotion without judgment and without the creation of a story that attaches itself to the emotions. It is a very different experience.
You have all had spontaneous experiences of emotion that come from the you that is awakened (the Big Self). But most of you are used to only feeling emotion from the level of separation.
Now you can see where you are heading as a species. You are getting glimpses of the dual nature of your consciousness. There is the you that is awakening (the human) and the awakened you (the Big Self).
The awakened you has always existed but has often been obscured by the cloud of the ego, like clouds over the sun. As you work with the ego and more consciously with your emotions, habits, and patterns, the clouds that obscure the Big Self get thinner. As they get thinner, you have moments of expanded consciousness.
Those moments get longer and longer. Eventually, there are no longer any clouds and full awakening blooms. This is when you no longer experience the illusion of polarity and experience consciousness in a whole new way.
We have been talking about the differences between the emotional bodies of “awakened beings” vs. “awakening beings.” There are marked differences. (There are very few fully awakened beings on Earth at this time. If someone claims they are fully awakened, it usually means the opposite!).
All of humanity is experiencing the awakening process right now in different ways. When one is in that awakening process, it can feel as if the darkest time has come.
All of the typical metaphors are applicable here. Let’s use the caterpillar and the butterfly. The caterpillar goes into a cocoon and experiences a metamorphosis, then emerges as a butterfly. If that caterpillar was conscious and observing the process, what would it be thinking? What kind of stories would it make?
It might say things like, “My body is changing, what is happening? Someone must be doing something to me.” or “The thickness of my skin is dissolving, and these gossamer wing-like things are forming. How can I protect myself in this new body?” This metaphor is very appropriate because of what you are experiencing as you awaken: dissolution.
You are starting to experience the dissolution of the crust that humans have worn for millennia that has obscured your vision. This means you are becoming more sensitive.
You are seeing this manifest in two ways. First, you see people who are super sensitive to the world but who are unconscious during this process. This often leads to creating stories of victimization that stop one from looking within and working with their pain.
Then you have those who are sensitive but who are aware of the process of awakening and use that experience to, in a sense, help them navigate through their pain and thus transform it.
For those who don’t wish to do the inner work, they might feel they can’t live in this world or are not willing to do so. They push down emotions without realizing it most of the time and this creates immense internal pressure. Of course, they wouldn’t want to live in the world, because the internal pressure is so great! You could say that this is an unconscious metamorphosis process.
A conscious metamorphosis process might still be painful or uncomfortable. But when you observe the process without judgment, work with it, and accept its inevitability, you provide the space in which the changes can occur, and you nurture that space. This conscious metamorphosis makes a huge difference in your experience on Earth during this intense time.
When you reach out to other beings in the universe, or you do deep meditation with a commitment to seeing yourself clearly, it’s a way to accelerate the evolutionary process. It doesn’t create a bypass mechanism to skip over the bits that you don’t want to experience, but it creates a momentum that helps you move through the difficult symptoms of awakening.
The inner work so many of you have done in the last 20–30 years has now allowed us to move to a deeper level in the work we can do with you. It’s why we have begun doing the deep emotional work with you, which is a necessary step in the integration process back to the One.
It is truly the next step to move more fully into quantum states of consciousness. You can’t bypass anything, especially with magical thinking—all must be integrated. In the last 30 years you have begun to forge pathways into the quantum field of consciousness.
Consciousness is becoming more malleable, more fluid. You are less frightened of the unknown, which allows you deeper excursions into the quantum without feeling the need to return to the familiar structured reality.
This blog is an excerpt from Lyssa Royal Holt’s book, The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Star for Life on Earth. Join Lyssa Royal Holt and Mike Dooley for their NEW course The Undoing: A Roadmap from Awakening to Self-Realization. It starts on April 25. Click here to learn more.