It’s not enough to know about thoughts becoming things, and then routinely lament with friends over the state of the world or bemoan that if you even look at food you gain weight.
Speaking negatively still gives the Universe marching orders. Of course, there’s a place, a teeny, tiny place, to convey thoughts of your predicament or circumstances to a therapist, coach, or best friend when you need to express how you’re feeling so that those feelings can be allowed to move on and be replaced.
Yet choose your listeners well, because often even well-intended commiseration such as, “Ain’t it awful… life’s not fair… can you believe this?” commands every element, all of the forces of nature, to perpetuate your situation through acts of serendipity and coincidence.
On the “plane of manifestation” you cannot say things, anything, without influencing the circumstances you will experience next.
Statements like, “Lo and behold, I met another guy who treated me like dirt,” “Another person ripped me off,” or, “I met another liar” explicitly tells the Universe that this is the kind of world you live in and it replies—with circumstances and manifestations—essentially saying, “Roger, got ya’. More of the same coming right up!”
Even self-deprecating humor should be abandoned, unless you’re a paid comedian. It may be good for a momentary chuckle, but is it worth the price?
How many times have you heard someone say, “I just had a senior moment”? Even said in jest, it’s still what the Universe is going to respond to if you say it enough times, because the more you say it the more you’ll believe it!
Here’s what’s important to remember:
1. Choose words that spark positive change.
Right now you can start saying things like:
- I’ve got all the time in the world.
- I’m surrounded by wealth and abundance.
- Everything I touch turns to gold.
- I love public speaking.
- I never get jet lag.
- I always have exactly the right thing to say at the right time to the right person.
- I’m always in the right place at the right time.
- My life is so easy.
- I know what I’m going to do today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. I have total clarity, total certainty.
And of course, there’s my personal favorite, I’m so-o-o-o-o photogenic! I can’t take a bad picture!
Today’s manifestations came from yesterday’s thoughts, words, and actions. Tomorrow’s manifestations will begin taking shape based on what we think, say, and do today.
We are all mid-journey here in time and space; our lives are a work in progress, yet to pick any day of that journey and use it to define “who we are” is like reading a novel halfway through and then writing a book review on it.
Of course, I’m not suggesting you tell everyone about this “reality” or how you now see yourself. Choose words that suit the company you’re in. But among friends who get this stuff, and to yourself, let your words reflect the celebration of creation that your life is.
2. Express gratitude to the Universe.
When you express gratitude or say “thank you” to the Universe or your greater self, what you’re actually saying is synonymous with, “I have received.”
This is true when you give thanks for what you already have and when you give thanks for what you desire as if you already had it—health, friends, wealth, abundance. This is super-powerful!
You’re going beyond the end result: you’re putting out the emotion to the Universe. And the only way the Universe can manifest that emotion—that gratitude—back to you is to manage circumstances, people, and players in your life that will yield the gratitude you first sent out.
Knowing this helps us to be careful about our list of desires. If you express your desires in terms of, “I want, I want,” you’re also implying and stating to the Universe, “I don’t have, I don’t have.” Not what you want to perpetuate!
So, when you’re expressing your desires for change, the best way to do so is through expressions of gratitude—thanking the Universe in advance for the things that are on your wish list and already on their way, while at the same time appreciating what you already have.
Not because the Universe is passing judgment, waiting to see if you were thankful for the last lot of goodies it sent you before it will give you more, but because you live on the “plane of manifestation,” an un-judging plane, and whatever you put out there must come back; and if it’s gratitude for having received, then you must receive.
Here’s are three ways you can practice this:
1. Positive THOUGHT exercise:
Write a brief script for a scenario that you could visualize, which can be a starting point for a five-to ten-minute visualization. Let there be a number of elements included that imply success and happiness.
When this script is complete, visualize it, once a day, until it gets boring, and then create a new script to visualize.
2. Positive WORD exercise:
Create a palette for future use by making a list of things you can say about yourself, as if you were already the person living the life of your dreams. For example:
I am…
- surrounded by friends and laughter
- always in the right place at the right time
- happier than I’ve ever been before
- a magnet to opportunity…
I love…
- how easy my life is
- that my life understandings give me peace
- where I live
- the person I have become
- my amazing home…
Make these lists long, and keep in mind that they aren’t phrases to recite once and then forget. Ideally, they’ll become part of your daily speech, naturally evolving to become more comprehensive and reflective of your ever-evolving preferences and manifestations.
3. Positive ACTION exercise:
List small acts of faith you can now perform in the coming days, weeks, and months, both to prepare for the inevitable arrival of your dream manifestations and as if your dreams have already come true.
Later, of course, do them! Perhaps assigning yourself to do one per day.
Ready to turn these exercises into action? Join the 21-DAY Change-One-Thing Adventure, starting January 7, 2025! Over 21 days, you’ll practice daily steps, engage in live workshops, and build the momentum to manifest your dreams. Let’s spark miracles together and make 2025 your breakthrough year! ✨