At certain times in your life journey, you may intuitively feel that a new idea or a new way is calling to you. Yet, you aren’t quite sure how to grasp it.
You may feel stuck in the “same-old, same-old” routine, or changes occur where you seem to be more reactive than proactive; external influences over which you feel you don’t have much control often make the decisions for you.
Or when the easiest way is to do what you have become used to: “Yes, I can help you with that; I have the time.” Or that any spare capacity becomes immediately absorbed by the next “thing” just rolling in, leaving no time for beneficial changes to take place.
However, here at Qiki Gong we have discovered a way to help—“thank goodness” we hear you say. We have termed this your “Almost-Vacuum to Life-Shift.” In this article you will see how it has guided us and could potentially guide you too.
Why an Almost-Vacuum?
Apparently, a perfect vacuum isn’t possible because quantum theory dictates that energy fluctuations known as virtual particles are constantly popping in and out of existence, even in empty space. One theory indicates maybe our universe was created by these “things” popping in and staying.
A New Term, A New Way to Feel, to Try…
When required, you will instinctively know. Visualize a place in your mind, in your Being which is totally empty—this is your almost-vacuum (A-V). Being an A-V means it cannot be influenced or pressured by internal or external things—as there is nothing to affect or be affected. A beautiful place.
Slowly feel virtual particles bouncing in and out of existence (in non-linear time), meeting with your intuition, your lighter/higher self, your sub and superconscious. They may suddenly bring you a new idea, a new way—which will be extremely powerful and beneficial for your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Your life will have shifted—even if just a fraction. Hence we call this a life-shift.
The beauty is that Believing and Trusting is all that is required to provide the energy to turn the virtual particles (quanta) into vibrations which rapidly expand and absorb into your very Being.
As if from nowhere, you feel embraced by different ideas and ways which can bring newness to enhance life, to refresh and empower. All without the need for contemplation, meditation, or even focus. You are just giving this awesome A-V the tiny room it needs. What occurs will be for your greater good.
This is the power of you and your almost-vacuum.
To give you a real-life experience, we briefly summarize the birth and expansion of Qiki Gong from an A-V.
In late 2019, we boldly entered a joint A-V, which brought us the idea to offer our first article to a magazine. This was published—wow! We still remember the phone call when Ruthie told Alan. This gave us such a boost of confidence; ok, not world shattering, yet it was the first whoosh of Qiki quanta exploding into existence.
In early 2020, we had to stop more than 15 years of helping people face-to-face, so, yes, we popped into another A-V, which reinforced that we didn’t need to go online, which everybody seemed to be doing; we could be different.
We made two Qiki Gong masterclasses; Ruthie learning how to turn them into movies. We took photos in Nature every day through those restricted times, shared them with each other for fun, then another A-V with the idea of creating positive affirmations and producing two beautiful books.
Now we have an elegant website and more than 50 inspirational Qiki movies on YouTube, even though neither of us had ever uploaded anything on there before. We also have more than 30 published articles in two international magazines and here on Such a massively In-Joy-able time for us, and we have been told how our ideas help others. Our Universe had expanded exponentially.
In late 2024, feeling a bit “stale,” we jumped into a passing A-V. Another bold way came—to stop writing as many articles. Giving us another Qiki-shift, a new Qiki dimension, and, consequently, as we explore other possibilities, we are adding to our portfolio with guided visualizations.
The essence of our first visualization comes from Alan, who had never written anything like this before, enhanced by Ruthie, who also enchantingly guides you through “A Beautiful Journey of Discovery,” which we hope you will Be In-Joy listening to on our YouTube channel.
May Your Journey Continue with Glorious Life-Shifts
When you feel an inkling or vibration that change is in the air, simply remind yourself that your almost-vacuum exists; then, as if by magic, an idea can come. That is all it takes—oh, and maybe a little Trust.
We hope this article inspires you to find your almost-vacuum and helps you to feel refreshed, renewed, and enhances your life.
Qiki Gong (pronounced cheeky) is our art. It is all about giving you ways to help yourself by playing with Universal energies in a lighthearted way, always with a focus on your feelings and imagination, nourishing and nurturing you. Qi (chee) from China and Ki (key) from Japan both translate as life-force / energy.