“The two most beautiful words in the English language are: ‘Check enclosed.’”
—Dorothy Parker
Every so often, as I worked with my chosen monthly budget, I would think of something I wanted to have that wasn’t on my budget. (Does that ever happen to you?? Lol)
It could be something I had forgotten to plan for by putting it on my “irregular expenses” list like new stationery, additional advertising specialty items like coffee mugs or pens, or a new piece of computer equipment.
Or it could be something fun or extravagant that I wanted to create more money for, like new clothes, new office furniture, a vacation trip, or a piece of jewelry.
Whenever I thought of something, I wrote it down on a piece of paper at the back of my time management calendar on my desk. I labeled it my “Magic Money Wish List,” because I knew I had to create extra, magic money, above and beyond my budget, in order to have the things on this list.
Without paying much attention to it, I started regularly receiving extra money. In fact, the amounts I received almost always totaled what I needed!
One day, I had gotten a surprise bill for $800 that I had not planned for. I wrote this amount on my list and started doing “magic money” affirmations, because I didn’t want to take $800 out of my savings.
Three weeks later, I got a check in the mail from a real estate transaction that had closed three years before. Some accountant in the lender’s office had done an audit and discovered a discrepancy—I had not been paid the full amount I was due, so they were sending me a check to take care of the balance due me.
The check enclosed was for $806.32!
When that happened, I suddenly became conscious of what I was doing.
I was naming a goal, writing it down, and telling my subconscious and the Universe to create it for me. Whenever I bought one of the items, I crossed it off the list by highlighting it in green.
A couple of years later, I had several pages of nice things highlighted in green—this was working!
What would you like to have “magic money” for? Write out your wish list today!
From The Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Campbell