Creativity is one of the best tools you can have when you’re manifesting your dream life. It’s a golden key that we all possess.
Maybe you think you’re not creative or that you once were but now you’re too buried under a mountain of Things To Do. Perhaps you don’t know how to harness your creativity; it’s just running wild in the corners of your mind. Or you might be wondering what creativity even has to do with using the Law of Attraction.
The wonderful truth is that we’re all creative. Even if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body, you have created the most amazing artwork of all: this life you’re living!
You chose your path, even if you started with the default one that was handed to you as a child. Through your preferences, thoughts, feelings, and imagination, you have created marvelous experiences for yourself! You’ve even created some challenging lessons from which you’ve learned and grown even more.
In each moment—like this one, right now—you can choose again. You can make the decision to actively co-create your amazing future. It’s as simple as inviting your imagination to come out and play.
Tuning in to your innate creativity unlocks the infinite power of your imagination. Not that it’s locked up now, but many of us have put it behind bars or up on a high, inaccessible shelf.
Your imagination will always peek through, whether in your nighttime dreams or those daytime reveries. You know the ones, when you suddenly find yourself thinking up themes for your ballroom gala or dreaming that you’re the star of the movie or wondering about how new food combinations would taste. That’s your creativity taking the reins.
Parts of you might think it’s frivolous or silly to indulge such thoughts. My dad thought that any book or movie that had dragons or faeries was just for kids, even though I’ve been a fan of magick and fantasy throughout my life. He just couldn’t see beyond the bounds of what adults were “supposed” to do or enjoy.
Actually, rather than keeping you stuck in childhood, your creativity helps you tap into a huge reservoir of freedom. Freedom, in turn, expands your vibration and allows the Universe in, which helps your most desired wishes come true.
Creativity won’t stay bound for very long. It’s a wonderful escape artist. Your creativity will emerge in some fashion in your life. Why not fling open the doors and let it play freely?