The ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was composed of earth, air, fire, water and that the heavens, stars, and planets were made of a less tangible substance known as ether or quintessence.
Hence, ethereal refers to regions beyond the Earth and anything that seems to originate from there. In the Middle Ages, people called this by its Latin name quinta essential, literally, “fifth essence.” Quintessence.
Ethereal Me is a beautiful, exquisitely delicate part of your eternal Being. You connect with it by suspending your judgements, prejudices, and logical thought, as it’s a place where you are free to open your mind, spirit, and soul.
You feel your vibrations lighten, your Be-ing grow gentle, your Way become softer. To practice manifesting it we suggest: imagine it, believe in it, believe what it is telling and showing youas all things start with your beautiful imagination.
That is exactly how this article came about: Alan had this flash of an idea of us playing Qiki-feelmoves on the top of a hill with just the sky and grass and dressed in white floaty clothes.
For the location, we went to a monument high on a hill where we immediately knew we had found the perfect place, exactly the one in Alan’s initial imagination. It had all been manifested and become real.
The following is in the first person so nothing comes between you and your Ethereal Way:
I am energy, atoms. I am vibrations. I am Ethereal—a knowing that is my true essence. A way which exudes serene beauty, elegance, purity. Where my spirit lives when I let it run free.
To guide me, I enter the realm of my superconscious where true creativity resides, of pure wisdom involving intuition before reason and emotions. Away from my here and now, away from my conscious and subconscious.
To a level of heightened awareness that sees beyond material reality to that which makes water soft yet powerful; air into wind, a breeze; the Universes sing. The subquantum of my mind, body and emotions merge with the subquantum of All.
Be-ing Ethereally Qiki starts with a glorious feeling of quiet, calm, and content, which slowly manifests into a movement—very slight, turning into a larger movement or sometimes disappearing altogether.
Floating Surrounded by the Tiniest Ebbing and Flowing Ethereal Vibrations: In time my arms open to float, to fly, every fiber rises and falls. Gently scooping the softest ethereal vibrations ever felt up through my layers of Be-ing. Spreading and opening with a glorious feeling of offering to the Universe. As my energies draw down, the ethereal ebb and flow continues until it settles.
Playing Ethereal Beautiful Waves of Music: The music, real or imagined, passes from side to side, constantly moving. Play for eternity, or longer or less.
Ethereal Feathers Abound: Softer than the softest silk, wispier than the wispiest cloud. They drift up on the vibrational thermals, floating as they descend in perfect harmony—turning, rotating. A gentle whoosh of the thermal vibrations takes them up and up again… to drift slowly down. They settle and rest.
Spiraling Galaxies: Feeling the rotational vibration throughout and within, a deep, rhythm of life. The small to the galactically large and beyond. Swirling within and with the Ethereal ether. In slowness, spirals encased in spirals, never ending, no beginning, every direction. Eventually settle (still with spirals).
The Curve of Phi: Curves of wonder, of delight, of delicateness, of fun. Curving from my ethereal being, up, across, out, flowing elegance, down, in, around—on a continuum. Ethereal beauty.
Time Stands Still: There is no time. All just is. The slow flow outwards from one side, then draws back, passing through and out the other side—up gently, down even more so, as an Ethereal pendulum, yet counting no time.
Suspended in Ethereal Vibrations: Float—simply float. Arms open feeling the energy envelop, everything relaxes. Superconscious takes over totally.
Absorb Pureness: Take time, Ethereal time. There is no rush, ever. Feel, imagine, listen, then listen again. Mind, body, arms, soul, spirit open. Absorb and release. Absorb and release.
Find this Qiki movie, “Ethereal Me,” on our YouTube channel—with our love.
Qiki Gong (pronounced cheeky) is our art. It is all about giving you ways to help yourself by playing with Universal energies in a lighthearted way, always with a focus on your feelings and imagination, nourishing and nurturing you. Qi (chee) from China and Ki (key) from Japan both translate as life-force / energy.