So many times the New Year comes round and we try to force it into our idea of what we think it should be.
I used to set resolutions each year about how I would suddenly begin to measure up to my idea of what I should be and do. At that time I hadn’t figured out how to manage blood sugar and eat natural sustaining foods, so those were the hungry days of January.
So many of us go through January hungry after the feasting of the holiday season. My guess is that we are not just hungry for food. I reckon we are also hungry for a new kind of allowing.
By tying ourselves into knots to meet resolutions is this a state of allowing? Is it accepting that angels are completely delighted with you just as you are? Or, if you are science brained, that all of the big bang and what followed after it ended up with you being you, even with those few extra pounds?
What if instead of coming down on yourself this year like the New Year Police, you allow yourself to be what you want to be?
Here are some ideas:
- If you want to lose weight, allow yourself to eat gorgeous, healthy foods.
- If you want to meet your perfect partner, allow yourself to love yourself first.
- If you want that job that you think is out of your reach, allow yourself to figure out what your first steps are and then take one of them, bravely.
- If you want to give up smoking, allow yourself beautiful environments in which to breathe cool clean air.
- If you want to stop drinking or taking drugs, allow yourself to discover how to get a feeling of intoxication that does not harm you or others.
- If you want to leave a legacy, allow yourself to start small with those you love.
- If you want to be treated better, allow yourself to have boundaries.
- If you want to take up a new learning challenge, allow it to be play.
- If you want to move somewhere else, allow yourself to appreciate where you are.
- If you want to live a life without regret, allow yourself to begin on your true path now.
One of the reasons allowing can be difficult is that we get caught up in old patterns from childhood about what was allowed and what wasn’t. You are allowed to choose for yourself now as a responsible and moral individual.
So rather than decide upon straightjacket resolutions, what can you (with all good grace and a true heart) allow for you? The Universe has already allowed it. You’re the one who needs to buy in.