It’s no secret that the world is shifting rapidly, and with each passing day there seems to be more “bad” news making its way into the collective. Fear is spreading like wildfire and it’s causing many people to forget the truth about change. The truth being that the upheavals we are experiencing right now are part of the process of creating a better world.
As things continue to shift it can be easy to fall into fear; however, faith is critical in order to create the future we desire. It’s time to choose faith over fear and below are seven ways for you to do just that.
1. See things differently.
As human beings we have a tendency to view life through the limited scope of our past experiences. We unknowingly create stories about the challenges we face based on memories of our past and often expect history to repeat itself. If we want something new, however, we must choose to see things differently.
Choosing faith over fear means choosing to see your experiences with fresh eyes as if you’re experiencing it for the first time. By looking for the more empowering story in every situation, you allow yourself to tap into a higher experience simply because you’ve chosen to see things differently.
2. Question if it’s fact or feeling.
Often when fear kicks in it creates an overwhelming feeling that convinces us that what we’re thinking and feeling is absolute truth. We assume the worst-case scenario is inevitable and lose sight of our power to choose faith as fear takes over our minds. In these moments, it’s important to remember that fear is just a feeling and is very rarely based in fact.
When you question fear as it rises and ask whether it’s coming from fact or feeling, you create more space to choose faith. Not only does faith feel better, it also supports you in creating a better outcome in the end.
3. Be present.
It’s long been said that being present is one of the best things we can do and for good reason. All of our creative power lies in the present moment. Fear is a thief that steals our creative power as it’s most often activated when we think of a past mistake or a future scenario that has yet to unfold.
Faith invites action based in hope and possibilities—things we could all use a bit more of right now. Bringing yourself back to the present moment provides an opportunity for you to choose faith more easily and create powerful change for the highest good of all.
4. Remember your creative power.
In the midst of life’s upheavals it can be easy to forget that we have the power to create our reality. When we respond to life from a place without fear, we ultimately create more of that in our future. When we respond from a place of faith and trust as we expect things to unfold for the highest good of all, we create more of what we actually want.
The key is to slow down your thoughts and reactions long enough to remember your creative power. The moment you realize you are responding from a place of fear, take a deep breath and remember who you are and what you want to create in this life. Then tap back into the faith that things are working in your favor, even if you can’t see it yet.
5. Look for evidence.
Fear often conditions the mind to only see the worst in the world while faith conditions the mind to expect more positive outcomes. The truth is, life will always validate what we are thinking and feeling by showing us evidence to support those feelings. When you live in fear, you see evidence of things that activate fear within you. When you live in faith that things are working for you, you see more evidence to support that feeling.
One way to move through fear is to intentionally seek out evidence that gives you reasons to be hopeful. It may not always be easy, but with a little focus, you will find more reasons to have faith and believe in a better outcome.
6. Believe in better anyway.
Faith can be described as a choice we make to believe beyond what we currently see. It’s a choice that is available to us all in any given moment regardless of the situation, and it changes everything for the better.
When you simply choose to have faith and believe in something better, chances are good that something better is what you will find. It may not happen instantly, but when you consistently choose faith over fear, your life will get better much faster than you think.
7. What’s the alternative?
When fear is running high and faith is hard to find, it’s helpful to ask yourself a simple question: What’s the alternative? We can certainly continue to move through life allowing fear to dash our hope for change, but that’s no way to live. If we are indeed creators of our own realities, then faith is most certainly needed.
Faith brings about a presence of peace, possibilities and expansion. So, in the moments when fear threatens to take over your mind and life, ask yourself “What’s the alternative?” Then choose faith again, because at the end of the day, our faith in something better is what creates exactly that.