Jambo! The card I pulled today from my Love and Connection Card Deck said: You glow, we beam.
The front of the card said: In case anyone should ask, your heart isn’t so large because of your wings; it’s your wings that are so large because of your heart. Sometimes “loving so much” can be pretty heavy. Thanks for all you’ve shared – The Universe P.S. It’s just another one of those nutty body algorithm things.
When you’re feeling down, try to remember that the gift of being able to feel so deeply has an upside, which is incredible joy. You’ve smiled ten-thousand times more than you’ve frowned. You’ve laughed ten-thousand times more than you’ve cried. And you’ve been in the presence of love a million times more than you’ve been without it.
I’d love to hear what you think of this card reading. Scroll down and share your thoughts in the comments section below!
This 60-card deck features the best Notes I’ve ever written about loving yourself, loving others, and loving life. It’s now available at Amazon and Hay House!
BIG Love,
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