My new Love and Connection Card Deck just released, and in honor of the release, I decided to do my first card reading to mark the occasion.
When you do your own readings, here’s what I suggest:
- Ask the Universe a question pertaining to your life. Ask it in the format of a “yes” or “no” question (for example: Am I going to fall in love in the year ahead?).
- Then choose a card, read the Note, and see the oracle message of guidance on the back.
Today I asked the Universe to provide me with three messages that I (and Notes readers) most need to hear right now to give us clarity, support, and inspiration in our lives.
Here are the cards I drew:
Card 1: Prepare to Be Astounded
Send them love. Wish them peace. See them happy. Everyone, always, forever. And prepare to be astounded, The Universe
This Note always makes me smile. It reminds me that regardless of what others may think or say or do, we can always choose to respond with love.
Whoever you may come into contact with on any given day—whether it’s your closest friends or the cashier at the grocery store or the driver who cuts you off in traffic—it’s an opportunity to send them love, wish them peace, and see them happy.
Practice this today with those you meet or cross paths with—with every interaction, send them LOVE, and prepare to be astounded!
Card 2: Don’t Be Misled
When fear speaks, it’s always wrong. Unless being chased by wildebeests. And when love speaks, it’s always right… and usually bouncy. Game on, The Universe
This Note is a reminder that we can always trust ourselves to know what’s right, to say what’s right, and to do what’s right, so long as it comes from a place of love.
When we speak out of fear, we are always wrong; it doesn’t serve us. On the other hand, when we speak out of love, we can be sure that everything will be alright.
Practice this today with those you speak to—let your words come from a place of love, and see how it improves your relationships.
Card 3: Those You Love, Love You
To be beautiful in the eyes of another, simply forget they’re watching. Tallyho, The Universe
This one is so true! When you’re in the throes of action—moving passionately through life, doing what you love, creating your own happiness—that’s when you’re irresistible to others.
Practice this today by doing the things you love to do… not for anyone else, just for you! Go on, forget they’re even watching, and they’ll fall even more deeply in love with you.
I hope you enjoyed this reading as much as I did! Let it remind you that you are LOVED and ADORED every single day, in every single way, by friends and family near and far.
For more daily guidance, get the Love and Connection Card Deck here.