“How do I know this is spiritual guidance instead of just my own thoughts?”
If you’ve ever asked this question, you have plenty of company. And maybe, like so many others, you’ve decided that if the “facts” that came through can be proven, you then can feel confident about what you’ve received.
If so, I understand. It is a popular approach.
But, the more I am in both my own Akashic Records, and those of others, the more I realize how limiting that approach to spiritual guidance can be.
Opening to Our Soul’s View
True spiritual guidance leads us to the wisdom of our souls, or higher selves. And let’s face it, our souls see our lives differently than we do. They have a much more expansive, even eternal point of view.
While we humans are concerned with time, quantity and tangibility, our souls are focused on expansion, transformation and our ability to experience the life they intended this time around. And I wonder if even they are able to measure those things well enough satisfy our human perspective.
It Does Take Practice
That said, there are some indications that what we’re receiving is true spiritual guidance. And yes, recognizing the answers may take some practice:
1. Does this guidance open you to a feeling of inner peace, even in the face of challenging circumstances?
2. Does it lead you to a greater understanding, and maybe even a noticeable feeling of expansion?
3. Has your guidance led you to forgive yourself and/or anyone else?
4. Are you feeling that you’ve been healed in some way, which you may or may not be able to describe?
5. Does your guidance help you see past your fears, whether or not the fear itself seems healed?
If you can answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, you have received true spiritual guidance. Whether it leads you where you expect it to, well, that’s something else again.
Which brings me to two more signs that your guidance is real:
6. Are you experiencing something beyond what you knew to ask for or about?
7. And, are you now seeing your challenge as a gift that has brought you spiritual growth and expansion?
It’s true, the answers to these two often take some time to appear. But when they do, they can cure you of wanting to measure the truth of your guidance by some fact-based yardstick, or even a big data-crunching computer in the cloud.