A few years ago, I came across the law of attraction concept, and it was then that I understood the power of visualization. This caused me to make my first vision board, which was a collage of pictures that represented the things I wanted to achieve in life, like traveling solo, finding true love, and starting my own business.
After just one year, all of it manifested. I now have an amazing partner in my life, and we live in a cozy little apartment in a pretty Dutch city. On top of that, I started my online clothing business, and that has allowed me to travel to many countries. My vision board is what helped me focus on my vision. However, there are some things you must consider when making your own:
1. Be clear on your vision.
You cannot hit a goal that you can’t see. Decide what you want to achieve in every area of your life. Is it more adventure, money or health? Keep in mind that although it’s good to come up with a general idea, overly vague goals such as “I want to earn more money,” or “I want to travel more,” often lead to no results. It is important to set clear goals. The more detail you go into, the better. How much money do you want to earn per month? What places do you want to travel? Take a moment to think about it, and write your goals down. After that, incorporate those goals into your vision board.
2. Take action.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to take action. So many people get the vision board concept wrong. They sit on their couches expecting the vision board to take care of itself. The vision board is there to inspire you, to remind you every single day that you are on a mission: to make your life extraordinary, and to turn those things on that board into a reality. But a vision without action is like a fairy tale… just a fantasy.
The word “action” can be scary, because you know it might mean hard-work or leaving your comfort zone. But the more you work toward your goals, the easier it is to manifest them.
3. Adopt the right mindset.
Don’t let your condition be an excuse to not start doing something. When I decided to start my business, I was broke. However, not having enough money to pay for my basic needs was more painful than cleaning other people’s toilets. That’s why I started to clean houses, working 9 hours a day. I was exhausted, but at the end of the day I had money to buy my groceries, and I still managed to find time to work on my business. I did whatever it took to stop being broke. Besides cleaning, I taught private Spanish lessons, ironed clothes, and even walked dogs.
I put the money I earned from my day jobs in three different envelopes: traveling, rent, and business. After a while, I quit my day jobs and became a full-time entrepreneur.
4. Visualize.
Make sure to take some time during your day to close your eyes and let the images on your vision board direct your thoughts. Imagine your dream as if it has already come true. Imagine the laughs, the hugs, and the drinking of a piña colada on a Mexican beach. Every single detail counts.
The good news is that you don’t have to sit and visualize for hours. By doing it for just 5 minutes, you are helping to build hope and excitement for the future. When you visualize, you vibrate higher and you attract more of what you are visualizing. Make it a part of your morning or night routine, or incorporate your visualization as part of your meditation practice.
5. Protect your dream.
The first thing you have to do when you have a dream is protect it. Science has shown that we are more probable to succeed when we think of what could go wrong and make a plan in advance, rather than just thinking positively about the future.
Write down all of the obstacles you might face for each of your goals, and protect your goals by developing a plan. This way when you encounter these obstacles, you will already have a plan in place to put into action. For instance, if you miss your morning meditation, tell yourself that you will do it before going to bed. Or if your book doesn’t get traditionally published, you will self-publish.
6. Set a date for your goals.
When you make a vision board, always keep in mind the time it will take you to achieve your goals. Do you expect them to happen in the next six months, or in a year? It’s harder to reach a goal that doesn’t have a deadline. Go over each area of your life and make an actionable plan. Focus on one area at a time, and when that goal is achieved move to the next one.
Finally, don’t get discouraged if, after some time some, your goals haven’t manifested. This might be because of a change in priorities, or it might mean that they simply need more time. You can always include them again in your new vision board.