You spend hours meditating and you do the endless self-growth exercises, but you’re still not manifesting the way you feel you should be. Wondering why? You’re probably looking in the wrong place!
Most spiritual people put their soul’s growth above all else. Why not? It works! We know that spiritual development is the key to everything. But when our practices are on point and our lives still seem out of flow, where do we look?
It’s time to bring our attention back to sea level.
Spiritually focused people tend to be more sensitive, meaning that we regularly feel, perceive, and process much more energy than the average person—which leaves us prone to overwhelm, to say the least.
No one showed us how to successfully navigate or control this phenomenon, yet we are expected to function in the same way as the rest of the population while having so much extra to wade through and account for!
After being told that we are “too sensitive,” we spend years feeling exhaustion from trying to keep up and compensate while anticipating the needs of everyone else.
We grow to believe that our sensory prowess is a problem, as opposed to our superpower. In truth, it is the very thing that makes us perfectly suited to do the work that we are here to do.
Luckily for us, this same level of sensitivity makes it much easier to create big changes in our lives via simple tweaks.
If you are currently feeling off-balance or that your dreams aren’t manifesting the way they should be, there are some straightforward things you’ve probably overlooked that can help you get your mojo back in flow.
1. Water!
When things aren’t flowing in your life, you can bet that you have sabotaged yourself (most likely completely subconsciously) by becoming dehydrated. This is the first area I have learned to look at with my clients when they tell me that life feels like it’s pumping the brakes.
Dehydration prevents our organs, especially the digestive and elimination organs, from being properly lubricated. When things can’t flow with ease within the body, we can’t eliminate waste properly.
The world around us becomes much more stagnant while simple things require increased effort. More water equals more flow!
2. Worthiness
We don’t feel ready or deserving of the changes that are about to take place, though intellectually we know that we are intrinsically worthy of everything the Universe has to offer—just by being.
Spiritual self-esteem is an ongoing battle. Looking back over our lives to see all of the times we were held and supported—the strength we were given to accomplish seemingly insurmountable tasks—allows us to accumulate evidence that points directly to our worthiness.
This proof helps us grow to accept just how loved we are, creating space for the expansion we are ready to experience.
3. Loneliness
This is perhaps the biggest fear of the sensitive, even though, ironically, we enjoy spending a lot of time alone.
Past experience has taught us that up-leveling means losing people, and we are not certain exactly who and what will fall from our lives when we take the leap. Because we are already feeling the uncertainty of being on the cusp of change, this possibility can seem unbearable.
Though we know we will attract new people into our lives, we have no guarantees on the timeline. That is usually enough to keep us trudging through the status quo. It’s a gamble we’re not willing to take, but when we Trust, the greatest risk always reaps the greatest reward.
4. Movement
One of the fastest ways to shift energy is to move your body, and it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate.
Moving your muscles opens your energetic flow, both internally and externally. It also interrupts your thought patterns as you come back to your body and ground in. We can’t actually accomplish anything if we are not grounded in our beautiful physical vessels.
We need our boots on the ground to create heaven on earth.
5. Overwhelm
AKA fearing that too much will manifest too quickly, and we will not be able to handle it. Sensitives spend so much time feeling buried under various energies and tasks that the possibility of adding more things to the pile or feeling even more stressed out is not even remotely appealing.
When we are not sure that we are well resourced enough to handle possible change, we put a kink in the hose of flow. We mentally make excuses by moving into the “what-ifs.” What if I can’t handle it? What if I fail? What if I am all alone because no one understands?
This translates to, “What if my Guidance is steering me wrong?”
But it never has before.
Want to show up courageously and without limitation? Watch these five areas.
They are often the first places we subconsciously stop energy flow, often providing excuses for further sabotage. The truth is simply that we feel we might not be ready to accept all of the greatness that Universe has in store for us.
These areas are not mutually exclusive, and you will find that one weaves itself naturally into the other. So if you want to adjust your sails, start with one, and more than likely, they will all right themselves in a relatively short time. You’ve got this, Spiritual Warrior!