When you decide to manifest something in your life, whether it’s a new home or a feeling of joy, the simplest way to do it is to “ask and then receive.”
There are a lot of tools in the Law of Attraction toolkit for asking: setting intentions, crafting affirmations, visualizing, feeling the outcome as if it has already happened, and more.
What about the receiving part, though?
This is the moment when faith comes into play, and that can be challenging for some of us.
Think about all the mixed messages we get in our culture: “it’s better to give than to receive,” “no pain, no gain,” and on and on. Those assumptions can make us doubt or block our powers of receiving. They make us wonder whether we’re even worthy of manifesting our desire.
Sometimes when we’re manifesting something dear to us, we’re still tied to the contrast it was born from. We see and feel the lack of our desire. Think back to the times we’ve tried to have it, but it didn’t happen. It can be hard to trust that we’ll ever receive the results we crave.
To add to that, receiving requires a measure of surrender. We must let go of our much-cherished desire and let the Universe work its magic.
“But that desire is BIG! Let it go? That feels icky. What if I never get there because I’ve given up?”
Surrendering your desire in order to receive it isn’t the same as giving up on it. Here’s a tool that can help with this somewhat tricky process of making space to receive — non-attachment.
Non-attachment is a concept that comes to us from the Buddhist tradition. What does it mean?
As I understand it, non-attachment is about not pinning our emotions to particular outcomes or results. It means not clinging to our desired success as if to a life raft. Rather, we honor our desires by releasing them to the care of the Universe, then going on to enjoy whatever it is that we’re experiencing right now.
Non-attachment is different from detachment. Detachment, to me, implies a coldness or apathy. We don’t want to be completely detached from our desires, because then we’d have no motivation toward them at all.
To be non-attached is to revel in our deepest wishes, and take inspired action toward them, but to feel good whether or not they manifest. To feel fine even if it takes a long time to get there. To relish and enjoy the process, rather than putting all your joy somewhere in the future.
You might be thinking, “great theory, but how do I not stay attached to my super-exciting desires?”
Here are 3 tips for using non-attachment in your manifesting process:
1. Cultivate your presence in the moment.
When we get attached to things being a certain way, we’re often projecting ourselves into the future or ruminating about the past. By anchoring yourself in what you enjoy about this particular moment, you release that attachment.
This might be easier said than done, particularly when you’re in crisis mode. If it feels difficult, use your breath as the anchor. Breathe in and out mindfully. Focus on the sensation of your breath moving through your body. You are here, you are alive, you are now.
2. Practice being grateful.
Focus on being happy with who you are and the circumstances of your life. Listing your blessings, whether in a journal or in your mind before you go to bed, will help you shift your focus. Becoming fully okay even if you never receive your cherished desire will often, strange as it may sound, make more space for it to manifest.
3. Notice signs from the Universe.
As you practice receiving your desire, take time to be still and listen. As you move through your daily life, watch for moments of inspiration.
The Universe will send you many opportunities to move toward your dreams. Try on some of these inspired actions that feel like they’ll move you toward your goal – but do them in the spirit of meeting the Universe where She is, not for the sake of results. Enter into a sacred dialogue with All That Is. Yes, it will help you to receive your wishes. But it’s also a lot of fun!
If you’ve struggled with the “letting go and receiving” part of manifesting, may the practice of non-attachment bring you more ease!