If you’ve ever tried to manifest more abundance in your life, you likely know that we don’t create abundance as much as we simply tap into it. The truth is, we all live in an abundant Universe and while abundance is always present around us, it can often feel difficult to translate into it in our personal lives at will.
In fact, tapping into a state of abundance when you’re looking at a pile of problems or life challenges can feel almost impossible. It is during those moments when our thoughts can easily slip into lack, as our minds take stock of all that we don’t have and don’t know.
- I don’t know what to do.
- I don’t know where to go.
- I don’t know how this is going to work out.
While all of those thoughts might feel real and true, they aren’t the ultimate truth when it comes to the answers and abundance that is available to us. Nor are they ever going to lead to the kind of universal miracles and solutions that we actually desire.
Below are three questions to help you tap into the Universal flow of abundance and call in all that is already on the way to you.
1. What do I have?
This question helps you ground yourself in the energy of sufficiency as you take stock of what you already have. What do you have that’s working for you right now? Make a list of all the areas of your life that are going well and the signs that show you things are in fact working out for you.
What areas of your life are abundant with support, love, and ease? What can you celebrate right here, right now? What part of the path to your desires have you already figured out? Take some time to journal about what you already have that is working for you and tap into the energy of gratitude for it all.
The more you look for what you do have, the more magnetic you become for even more abundance to flow into your life.
2. What do I know?
This question is all about helping you tap into all that you already know to be true. What do you know about this goal/situation (or others like it) that help you feel confident about where you are going? Think back to past situations and challenges that you have already overcome. What did you learn then that you can apply here?
What do you know to be true about yourself and your ability to move through challenges? What do you already know about how to achieve your goals this year? Spend some time writing out all of the things you know and watch how seemingly new divine information emerges that you previously thought you “didn’t know.”
3. What can I do?
There is always something you can do, even if your mind is telling you otherwise. So, from this place right now, what can you do to get support or take action?
What can you do to learn a bit more about the areas of your desires that you’re unsure of? What resources can you tap into that maybe you previously discounted or forgot about completely? What can you do to tweak your beliefs so you trust, know, and believe that you’re already on the way to achieving your desires?
Ask this question and see how your intuition responds. Once you have a list of things you can take action on, do them. You will find that even the smallest action will unlock your next steps faster than you thought possible.
Remember, you have access to all the miracles and solutions you could ever need. Don’t let a temporary situation cause you to doubt the wisdom you always have within. You’ve got big things to do here. It’s time to get to it.