In moments of stress and anxiety, how do you react? Think about that for a moment. Do you get frantic or flustered? Do you freak out? Do you go into total hermit mode? Whatever the case may be, there is a way to actually end it fast.
I like to use stress and anxiety as a PERFECT indicator that something has gone wrong in my inner world versus my outer world. Stress acts as my barometer letting me know when things have gone completely WRONG and it’s time to fix it ASAP.
Spending 5+ years climbing the ladder in Corporate America, I know all about stress. I know all about anxiety. I know all about using my outer world to define how I feel. Was stress the reason for my successes? No. That would be backwards. Contrary to popular belief you can still be successful and accomplished without feeling stressed out getting there. Stress is only a feeling, and it actually inhibits us from expressing creativity and experiencing ease and flow! Why would you want to feel like crap?
Stress energy only breeds more stress when we give it attention, which in turn attracts more issues and problems to feel stressed about, which then can manifest some crazy stuff we don’t want to deal with. You can literally turn molehills into mountains in your reality by continuing to choose to feel this way.
It’s all about retraining your brain to react to the situations that trigger the stressed out feeling. When stress comes in, notice it, face it, breathe, and ask yourself “how can I handle this peacefully and with ease?” I like to whip out some mantras to help me turn around the negative feelings and remind myself that I can choose to see things differently.
Top 3 Mantras for Owning My Stress
1. Things are working out perfectly.
2. This is going to be so freaking easy.
3. I am overflowing with peace, and I am trusting this will flow.
When we refocus our energy on how we want to feel versus our ego’s reaction to jump into a pool of stress, we can create miraculous change. Remember that all it takes is a moment to stop and redirect your energy and intention. Turn to your new mantras, let the stress go, and trust that everything is working out for you.