How do you know the Universe has your back?
Sometimes it can feel like you’re all alone. Your family and your friends just don’t seem to understand this direction you’ve chosen. You are not fitting in with their prescribed notion of who you were supposed to be.
But you know that you’re on your right path. You can feel it in your bones when you wake in the morning and every night when you lay your head down to sleep. You can sense it in the cells of your being and see it reflected and reinforced by the world around you. You are on your spiritual path to awakening and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Here are five reassuring ways to know the Universe has your back:
1. You are in Flow.
You are at ease as you trust in the process of life and relinquish the need to control the uncontrollable. Rather than pushing forward to an idealized future full of expectation, you sit back and revel in the process unfolding before you. Of course you have your goals, dreams and passions that are leading you towards your best possible life, but you trust that the Universe will get you there in perfect order.
2. Divine Synchronicities.
You have been experiencing many coincidences; so many that they cannot be explained by chance. You know on a deep level that coincidences are actually the Universe lovingly nudging you by providing divine synchronicities to illuminate your way. Along your path you will continue to meet new friends and will be offered new insights that will further guide you towards alignment.
3. Sunny Optimism.
You know in the big picture of physical reality, your worst day really isn’t that bad. In fact, you have a lot to be grateful for. You are experiencing this beautiful adventure that we call life. You are here for a short time and you are going to make the very best of the limited time that you have. You know that death is imminent but it isn’t something to be feared. Rather, the finality of life further inspires you to experience bliss in every single moment.
4. Blessings in Disguise.
You know that life is guaranteed to provide you with incredible experiences, yet also with your share of heartbreak and sorrow. Rather than being shaken and disheartened at the first sight of pain, you stand up and dust yourself off. You allow yourself to feel and process the emotions associated with a painful experience and then you carry on. You realize that there is a natural ebb and flow to life and to truly appreciate the flow, you must also appreciate and be grateful for the ebb.
5. You are a Creator.
Wherever you find yourself in this very moment, on some level you chose to bring yourself here by co-creating this experience. Through a series of events, thoughts, and belief systems you used intentional (or unintentional) focus to create your present world. If you are discontent, you will inherently know that you’ll need to course-correct. Where do you want to go next? You are a powerful creator; use intention and conscious awareness to choose your next path.
The Universe knows who you were before you stepped into this body and who you will be when you depart. It also knows the lessons you came here to learn and which adventures you’ll encounter to facilitate them.
There may be people in your life who are unable to keep pace with you in this new understanding, but don’t let that discourage you. You are never alone. The Universe knows who you truly are and is always with you; urging you forward towards your best possible life and spiritual fulfillment. You are deeply and unconditionally loved and the Universe has your back!