These cards are loving reminders that “Thoughts Become Things” and we can choose the thoughts we want to realize, every day. Sometimes it's easy to forget that we are the creators of our lives… so let these cards be a reminder that every day is a gift, every day you are changing the world, and every day you are creating your life through your thoughts, words, and actions.
Launched in 1998 as an e-mail sent out weekly to 38 addresses, Mike’s “Notes from the Universe” has blossomed into a daily mailing to over 1,200,000 subscribers in 185 countries. The Notes have long been available in hardback books, calendars, stickers, coffee mugs, T-shirts, but not until now have they been collected based on a theme (abundance!) and brought to life in a deck of 60 gorgeous, inspiring cards!
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TUT’s mission is to remind us of life’s fundamental truths: that life is magical, we are powerful, and dreams really do come true. Click here for more.
Co-founder of TUT, a NY Times Bestselling author with books in 27 languages, who’s presented live in 156 cities and 42 countries. Click here for more.