You are capable of all your heart desires! All that you want is within reach!

These cards are loving reminders that “Thoughts Become Things” and we can choose the thoughts we want to realize, every day. Sometimes it's easy to forget that we are the creators of our lives… so let these cards be a reminder that every day is a gift, every day you are changing the world, and every day you are creating your life through your thoughts, words, and actions.


The 60 cards in this deck, set off by photographs of nature’s own gorgeous and richly varied abundance, are designed to remind you that:

  • There is no better time than right now to start living your dreams.
  • Your thoughts become things—anything you want to create you are capable of creating.
  • What you think about will come about, so think BIG, beautiful, empowering thoughts.
  • All your heart desires—love, joy, peace, abundance—is within reach. You simply have to reach.
  • You could not be more loved, more powerful, or more deserving of all that your heart desires.

How to spread random acts of love and kindness:

  • Start with self-love: Pick a new one for yourself each day and carry it with you wherever you go.
  • Leave them for loved-ones to find (in a desk, in a purse or backpack, on the refrigerator, in a lunch-box).
  • Send them in the mail to your friends who live far away.
  • Leave them on the windshields of people’s cars—when was the last time you found something good stuck to the window of your car?
  • Read a new one at the start of any class you teach (yoga, meditation, even high school).
  • Pass them out to your students (or let them pick the one that’s right for them).

Notes from the Universe

Launched in 1998 as an e-mail sent out weekly to 38 addresses, Mike’s “Notes from the Universe” has blossomed into a daily mailing to over 1,200,000 subscribers in 185 countries. The Notes have long been available in hardback books, calendars, stickers, coffee mugs, T-shirts, but not until now have they been collected based on a theme (abundance!) and brought to life in a deck of 60 gorgeous, inspiring cards!

Include a card with each of the next 10 bills you pay, knowing you will delight some otherwise bored employee.
- Mike Dooley
Include a card with your tip when paying your next restaurant tab or give it to the fast-food clerk who helps you.
- Cami
Leave a card in your next returned library book.
- Hope
Frame your favorite cards and put them up around your house.
- Karli
Stand at a busy street corner with the cards fanned out in your hand and ask strangers to pick and take a card (tell ‘em it’s like free hugs!)
- Gina
We need to feed young minds with positivity! Hide cards throughout your house in places where you know your children will find them.
- Patti
Put a card in a balloon and fill it with love and helium. Then release it and let The Universe guide it to a serendipitous destination!
- Jess
Tape a card to the tray on your next flight! The next person in your seat will be sure to see!
- Jane
Mail one card a month to a different friend or family member! You’ll be sure to surprise them and brighten their day.
- Ann-Marie
Pass your cards out to your co-workers when you know they are having a stressful day.
- Kay
Take a picture of your favorite card and share it on social media for all of your friends and family to see.
- Sandy
Pay for the meal of the car behind you in the drive-through and have the cashier hand them a card.
- Bronwyn
Put cards under the windshield wipers of cars where people may need it the most... Hospitals, doctor’s offices, churches, AA meetings, etc.
- Kristin
Ask your local library or bookstore to hand out cards as special “book-marks” to their customers.
- Kristin
Attach cards to seed packets and hand them out as gifts – telling people to “plant their own abundance.”
- Julie
Tape a card to light posts at crosswalks for people to see as they wait to cross the street.
- Kathy
Ask a local school to pass the cards out in the hallways and to students.
- Allie
Add a card to a “blessing bag” to hand out to the homeless.
- Jesica
Include the cards in gift baskets for wedding or baby showers to pass along positive messages to new marriages or growing families.
- Alexis
Leave a card behind in your hotel while traveling.
- Cheyangel
Use the cards as gift tags or stocking stuffers.
- April
Leave a card in the grocery cart after you’ve used it for the next person to find.
- Jennifer
Leave cards in the dressing rooms of department stores.
- Cindy
Use the cards instead of confetti anywhere there would be confetti (New Year’s Eve in New York, for example).
- Todd
Leave a card at the gas pump for the next driver to find.
- Marcia
Pin a card to the bulletin board at your local coffeehouse or café.
- Kate
Leave a card under your coaster at a bar or restaurant.
- Pam
Leave cards where people tend to need an extra dose of love like hospital waiting rooms, the DMV, and in the principal's office at your local school.
- Ivy
Pop a card in your mailbox for your mail courier!
- Sally
Put them in small envelopes that say "you are adored" on the front and leave them on cafe tables, benches in parks, and bus seats.
- Mikael
Tape one to the back of an item at the store, for example a box of cereal, a shampoo bottle, a pack of diapers, etc.
- Deanna
Pick out random addresses in the phone book and mail them each a card. Address the envelope to “The Person Who Needs This Most.”
- Suzanne
Have the cards handy to give as gifts for kindness, such as if someone holds the door for you.
- Tamara
Hide a card inside the pages of magazines (especially those that give a false impression of beauty and a happy life).
- Lucie