Tell me, what advice would you give a child who came to you asking what their favorite color should be?
To follow their heart? That no color is right or wrong? That if they wanted to, they could always change their mind later, any number of times? That their happiness with their choice is all that matters? Not to give it too much importance? That they don't have to decide at all? That you approve no matter what they choose?
Now, what if they protested because they had heard from friends that there was a special color assigned to them at birth; their soul-color. They felt that a numerology reading might shed some light on their confusion. They wanted confirmation of their choices through a zodiac chart, tea leaves, and a Ouija board. And they asked if hiring a coach, therapist, or guru would be a good idea.
Yep, this is what I hear every day, just not so much for colors...
Sorry to lay this on you. I'm just fishing around for some new answers to the bazillion questions I get each week about careers, loves, and destinies - which to me, from here, are kind of like... crayons.
Ewhhhh, nice magenta!
The Universe
P.S. Sure, try all those techniques, they can help!! But most of all, follow your heart. And know, there is no right or wrong. You can always change your mind later, as often as you like. Your happiness with your choice is all that matters. Don't give anything too much importance. You don't even have to decide at all... but when you do, rest assured, I'll approve.
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